The Senate voted unanimously on Tuesday for the reintroduction of the basic grant. This means that from September onwards, students will again receive monthly money deposited into their account, which will become a gift after their training. But make sure that as a student you are not faced with any surprises. What should you pay attention to?
Zo’n 435.000 studenten krijgen volgend schooljaar weer een basisbeurs. Dat is volgens minister Robbert Dijkgraaf (Onderwijs) een flinke verbetering van hun financiële positie.
De afgelopen jaren hebben studenten gestudeerd onder het leenstelsel. Dat betekent dat zij geld konden lenen tegen een relatief lage rente.
Al het geld dat studenten leenden, moesten zij na de studie wel weer terugbetalen. De terugkeer van de basisbeurs brengt daar verandering in: die wordt een gift als je je studie binnen tien jaar afrondt.
Wie krijgt wat?
De basisbeurs gaat gelden voor studenten van hogescholen en universiteiten die in het studiejaar 2023/2024 voor het eerst gaan studeren en voor studenten die nog bezig zijn met hun studie. Studenten die al studeren krijgen wel alleen een beurs als ze minder dan vier jaar hebben gestudeerd. Ze krijgen maandelijks 110 euro als ze nog thuis wonen en 275 euro als ze op zichzelf wonen.
Apply for the basic grant (on time).
Now that the basic grant returns, students should pay attention to a number of things. “They really have to apply for the basic grant themselves,” says Jacco Nelemans, spokesperson for the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW). “So you don’t get it automatically. Let there be no misunderstandings about that.”
From 19 June, students can apply for the basic grant via the DUO website. If you do this before September 1 and you are entitled to it, you will receive money in your account from September.
Know what your parents earn
It is important that students take a good look at what their parents earn. Students who receive little or no contribution from their parents can apply for a supplementary grant. This way they have more money to make ends meet during their studies. They also do not have to repay that additional grant.
Some students also received a supplementary grant during the loan system. But now the government is expanding the income limit to get extra money. More students can therefore apply for the supplementary grant.
According to DUO, not all students who are entitled to it are making use of the supplementary grant. “That is why it is important that students carefully check whether they are eligible for this,” says Nelemans. “This has now become an even larger group.”
MBO students have a choice
Something has also changed for MBO students. If MBO students borrowed money for their studies, they were more likely to have to pay it back within fifteen years. At colleges and universities, students are given 35 years to repay this.
The government has straightened this out. MBO students can now also take 35 years to repay the money.
MBO students who are already studying should pay attention. They will be given the opportunity to choose between the old and new system. They can therefore choose to repay in 15 or 35 years. Those two repayment terms have different interest rates. That is why it is important that you, as an MBO student, take a good look at what is most advantageous for you.
2023-06-06 16:19:44
#basic #grant #returning #student #pay #attention #Economy