Home » today » Health » Important. The link between myocarditis and Pfizer vaccines, Moderna. The 9 symptoms to watch carefully – Evenimentul Zilei

Important. The link between myocarditis and Pfizer vaccines, Moderna. The 9 symptoms to watch carefully – Evenimentul Zilei

Dr. Tom Shimabukuro, deputy director of the CDC Office for Immunization Safety, said: “We clearly have an imbalance here.”

The UK has not yet found any links, but the MHRA’s drug regulators are “closely monitoring” the situation.

Both are usually caused by a viral infection, bacteria, parasites or fungi. Covid itself can lead to inflammation of the heart, doctors say, sometimes lasting several months.

Symptoms to consider

The main symptoms to consider, according to the British Heart Foundation and Mayo Clinic, are:

  1. A pain as if stabbed and / or chest tightness that can spread throughout the body (myocarditis and pericarditis)
  2. Flu-like symptoms such as high temperature, fatigue (myocarditis and pericarditis)
  3. Fluid retention with swelling of the legs, ankles (myocarditis and pericarditis)
  4. Difficulty breathing or slight movement (myocarditis)
  5. Difficulty breathing during rest (myocarditis)
  6. Palpitations or abnormal heart rhythm (myocarditis)
  7. Sudden difficulty breathing – if you have this, get urgent medical help (pericarditis)
  8. Neck pain that may spread to the shoulders and / or arms (pericarditis)
  9. Nausea (pericarditis)

Who was affected?

The CDC and other health regulators around the world have investigated cases of heart inflammation. Two safety monitoring systems in America have shown a higher rate of diagnosis with this disease is found in those aged 12 to 39 years.

About eight out of ten patients were men, and the second dose seemed to be the problem. On Thursday, the CDC reported 226 cases of myocarditis and pericarditis in men under 30 – the group that appears to be most affected.

According to the British Heart Foundation, men between the ages of 16 and 65 are more likely to develop pericarditis. In a report by the Food and Drug Administration, 81% of people have already been discharged and are fully recovering.

However, 15 are still in hospital and three in intensive care

The vast majority of cases occurred within a week of vaccination, said Dr. Shimabukuro. He added: “It is a comparison between apples and pears, because, again, these are preliminary reports. Not all of these will prove to be true reports of myocarditis or pericarditis. ” The CDC urged young people, including adolescents between the ages of 12 and 17, to continue vaccination despite reports.

This advice comes after The Israeli Ministry of Health said it had found a “probable link” between myocarditis and the Pfizer vaccine after research.

In Israel, 275 cases of myocarditis were reported between December 2020 and May 2021 in more than five million vaccinated people. Almost all cases (95 percent) had a mild case of the disease and spent no more than four days in hospital.

Pfizer said he was aware of Israeli comments on myocarditis. But they did not find the link between the disease and their vaccine

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) said on May 11 that it was “aware” of cases of myocarditis after vaccination. But he said there was “no clear indication that they were caused by the vaccine.”

The UK Drug Regulatory Authority, MHRA, said in April that “there are currently no new safety issues related to myocarditis”. There were 60 cases of heart inflammation in those who received Pfizer, which is similar to AstraZeneca, and only two with the Moderna vaccine, which appeared much later, write thesun

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