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Important Information for Retirees Living Abroad

• Will my pensions be paid?

Yes, wherever you are in the world, you will receive your pensions. On the other hand, you must reside in France to obtain and keep the solidarity allowance for the elderly (Aspa) or the supplementary disability allowance (ASI). The same is true for allowances paid by Pôle emploi.

  • Before leaving, tell your cashier (via your personal space on www.lassuranceretraite.fr or by mail) your address abroad and, if applicable, your new bank details (if you want your pensions to be paid into an account opened in your new country of residence).

It is important because if you are domiciled outside France for tax purposes, your pensions will no longer be subject to CSG, CRDS and Casa deductions. However, these deductions represent up to 10% of your pensions. On the other hand, a health insurance contribution will apply (3.2% of your basic pension and 4.2% of your complementary Agirc-Arrco). Thus, during a stay in France, you can receive care reimbursed by your health insurance fund. If you return to settle in France, you will also have to notify your funds.

Once a year, by post or email, the Retirement Insurance will send you a “life certificate” to be completed by a local authority (consulate, embassy, ​​town hall or police station). This process is enough to inform all your pension funds. Attention! If you do not fulfill it, the payment of pensions will be suspended.

To find out where to complete your certificate, go to www.lassuranceretraite.fr, “retired” section.

– From your personal space, service “submit my life certificate“, you can send it to your cash register after scanning it (on smartphone or scanner).

By mail: Retirement processing center abroad, CS 13 999 Esvres, 37321 Tours cedex 9, France.

Life certificate information by phone: 09 74 75 76 99.

• If you already live abroad

If your country of residence is an EU state or linked to France by a social security agreement, you will request your retirement from the local system (even if you have never worked in this country). In other cases, send your file to the Carsat to which you were attached during your last job in France.

• Benefit from healthcare abroad with the European Health Insurance Card

Before a temporary stay in the EU (outside your country of residence) or in Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein or Switzerland, apply for the European Health Insurance Card. Free, valid for two years, it allows you to benefit from care under the same conditions and at the same price as the inhabitants. Steps to take at least fifteen days before departure on www.ameli.fr via your personalized account, by telephone on 3646 (not surcharged) or from your primary health insurance fund.

Read also> Medical care abroad: all you need to know before you go!

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• Where are the taxes paid if I retire abroad? Will my income be taxed in France?

Different criteria come into play. Contact your public finance center to obtain information and declare your change of situation.

  • And your country of residence is linked to France by a tax treaty, you avoid double taxation of income: once in France, once in the country of residence.

Nearly 130 agreements exist, they can be consulted on www.impots. gouv.fr/les-conventions-internationales According to the agreement, your income will be taxed in France or in the country of residence. They must therefore be declared accordingly. In many cases, pensions are subject to the tax rules of the State of residence, except for civil servants. A table indicates by country (see appendix 1 of the notice of the declaration 2 041-E on impots.gouv.fr) where the pensions of civil servants, private sector employees and the self-employed are taxed (Social Security pensions column).

– If you are no longer liable for tax on your retirement in France, Carsat will no longer deduct taxes at source.

  • In the absence of a tax treaty, you will be taxed both in France on your income of French origin (your pensions will be taxed at source and to be declared in France) and in your country of residence according to local rules.

Read also> Employee abroad, what are my pension rights?

• Where is your tax home?

– As a retiree, your tax domicile is in France, if you have your home there or if you stay there as your main activity (more than six months a year) or if the center of your economic interests is located there (your investments, For example). All your income (French and foreign) is then taxable in France.

– If you share your time between France and another country, refer, where applicable, to the tax treaty.

Read also> Living your retirement abroad: instructions

• Consider consular registration

Register on the register of French nationals living outside France. This simple, free and optional process facilitates formalities and obtaining a passport, national identity card, etc. You will also be informed about your adopted country, particularly in terms of security.

Registration on www.diplomatie.gouv.fr.

To know:

Slightly more than a million pensioners from the general scheme live outside France according to the key figures on general scheme pensioners residing or born abroad, end of 2022.

With Philippe Bainvillepension specialist at the National Old Age Insurance Fund (Cnav).

2023-08-19 07:36:30
#Retirement #living #requires #preparation

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