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“Important Facts About Rabies: Protect Yourself and Your Pets”

Here are a series of facts you need to know about rabies, animal lovers never let their guard down.

Hitekno.com – Rabies is a disease caused by a virus that attacks the central nervous system. This disease is very dangerous and can cause death if not treated quickly.

Rabies can be transmitted from animals infected with the rabies virus to humans through bites, scratches or saliva.

Summarized from various sources, the animals that are most often a source of rabies transmission are dogs, cats, monkeys, bats, and civets.

However, other animals such as rabbits, rats, hamsters and turtles can also carry the rabies virus if they have been bitten by an infected animal.

Therefore, we must be careful when interacting with animals that we do not know or who appear to be sick or aggressive.

If we are bitten or scratched by an animal suspected of having rabies, we must immediately wash the wound with running water and soap for 15 minutes, then go to a health facility to get a vaccine and anti-rabies serum.

That way, we can prevent rabies infection which can threaten our lives.

In addition, we also have to know the symptoms of rabies in humans and animals. Symptoms of rabies in humans usually appear several weeks or months after exposure to the rabies virus.

Initial symptoms may include fever, headache, nausea, weakness, and pain around the bite wound. Then symptoms can develop into nervous disorders such as restlessness, confusion, hallucinations, difficulty swallowing, convulsions, and coma.

Symptoms of rabies in animals can include changes in behavior such as becoming more aggressive or fearful, foaming at the mouth, difficulty breathing, and death within a few days.

If we see an animal showing these symptoms, we must stay away from it and report it to animal health officials.

2023-05-19 11:58:00
#Rabies #Animals #Sources #Transmission #Symptoms

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