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Important Dates for SEP Grades Delivery in the 2022-2023 School Year

Attention mom and dad! He 2022-2023 school cycle is about to end and the students of basic education of the country will leave the classrooms to be able to enjoy the Summer Vacationwhich means that the delivery of ratings from Secretary of Public Education (SEP) is near.

Next we tell you on which dates the grades for the 2022-2023 school yearaccording to the calendar of the Ministry of Public Education.

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When do you deliver SEP grades for the 2022-2023 School Year?

What does not happen to you! with the arrival of the end of 2022-2023 school cyclethe delivery of qualifications also arrives at all levels of basic education from SEP.

In accordance with the provisions of the official calendar of the Ministry of Public Education (SEP)education teachers preschool, primary, secondaryboth in public and private schools, will have to deliver the report cards between the days July 14, 17, 18 and 19 of 2023.

However, it is important to emphasize that these dates may change, depending on each campus and each state; especially after several entities saw the need to bring forward the end of the school year for various reasons.

Hello summer vacation: These states will end the school year on June 29

That is why it is recommended that parents and guardians be aware of the indications of the educational establishments, to avoid setbacks.

So you can check grades online

The agency announced that the grades of preschool, primary and secondary students will be available on the Educational Information and Management System (SIGED). He also announced that there are some states that will be able to grade students of these educational levels with failure.

With this official document, the 2022 to 2023 school year will be evaluated, which meant the total return to school face-to-faceso the site could present saturation, you must continue with the attempts until you manage to enter before the deadline.

On the official page provided by the SEP, parents will be able to access student report cards, in which their children’s grades will appear.

In case the cycle has not been approved, they will see the legend “not accredited”.

This is how you can check the SEP report card online

When does the next 2023-2024 School Cycle start?

In the Official Gazette of the Federation the school calendar for the next school year that will start on Monday, August 28. Basic education students will enjoy a total of 32 days of summer vacation.

SEP Calendar: When would the 2023-2024 School Cycle start?

2023-07-10 17:34:56
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