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Important Considerations for Car Insurance Abroad: Understanding Territorial Limits and Coverage

In anticipation of a trip or vacation abroad with your vehicle, it is prudent to check beforehand the validity and the extent of the guarantees of your car insurance contract outside France.

If the compulsory liability insurance is recognized as valid in all the member countries of the green card system, it is not always the same for the other guarantees taken out in a French contract.

In order to avoid a possible refusal of compensation or long payment delays in the event of an accident occurring outside the borders, an adaptation of his insurance contract before departure may prove to be relevant.

According to insurers, territorial limits validity may vary within the same car contract depending on the guarantees involved or the length of the stay.

Territorial limits of the insurance

To find out which countries are covered by your vehicle insurance, you should consult your green card or international car insurance card. On this document, you will find the list of countries in which your car insurance covers you. If the name of a country is crossed out in this list, it means that your insurance does not operate in that country. If you still want to go to a country where your insurance does not work, you must take out specific insurance locally.

Risks covered abroad

The risks covered abroad depend on the guarantees you have taken out. If your vehicle is warranted only for the public liabilityyou will only be covered for damage your vehicle may cause to third parties.

If you have taken out additional guarantees (such as the All Risks formula), it is possible that their application is limited depending on the country visited. Check with your insurer!

In particular in the event of theft or accident if certain costs are covered: vehicle towing costs, repatriation of passengers, or even the vehicle, accommodation costs for the duration of the repairs, support for a driver to repatriate the vehicle and its occupants.

Pay attention to special cases

To travel in a foreign country outside the green card system (48 countries including Europe and certain countries around the Mediterranean) or expressly excluded from this territorial area, it then becomes necessary to take out temporary insurance (generally not exceeding 3 months) with a local insurer.

The guarantees are limited to strict civil liability. Then there is the possibility of taking out travel insurance. Also check before departure the conditions for taking charge of assistance outside the European zone.

Documents required in the event of an accident

In the event of an accident, the certificate and the insurance certificate are necessary (before departure, write down the contact details of your insurer so that you can contact him from abroad). The joint report (or European accident report) is valid in the countries of the European Union.

As in France, it must be completed by both parties and sent to your insurer within the same timeframe. Please note, the e-constat does not work abroad!

Outside Europe, the European joint report can be used but it will not automatically have the same value.

2023-06-28 22:04:40
#Automotive #covered #car #insurance

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