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Importance of Vitamin D for Children’s Health: Expert Advice and Tips to Increase Vitamin D Levels

Linda Hasibuan, CNBC Indonesia


Wednesday, 12/07/2023 18:14 WIB

Photo: Child Illustration. (Doc. Freepik)

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia Most children do not get enough nutrition. Even though ideally, children need to get adequate vitamins and minerals for good growth and development and prevent chronic diseases.

Children have different nutritional needs than adults. Therefore, the vitamins given to them are vitamins that are specifically for babies or children.

Dietitian and founder of Kids Eat in Color, Jennider Anderson, mentions that fiber and potassium are two nutrients that children really need. But the number one nutrient that kids need is vitamin D.

So how does a lack of vitamin D impact children’s health?

Vitamin D is essential for strong bones and muscles. Without vitamin D, our bodies cannot absorb calcium effectively, and we need calcium for healthy bones.

A child with a severe vitamin D deficiency may develop rickets (a disorder characterized by soft and weak bones) and related conditions, including growth patterns, bone pain, and joint deformities.

More commonly, when a child doesn’t get enough vitamin D, their immune system doesn’t work properly, or they may feel constantly tired or sick.

How to increase vitamin D levels in children

There is some debate about how much vitamin D children should be consuming each day.

But the National Institutes of Health recommends 400 International Units (IU) for infants, and 600 IU for children ages 1 to 13.

Sun exposure alone is often insufficient to meet vitamin D needs. Here are two ways parents can help their children get more vitamin D:

Fatty fish, such as salmon or sardines. Beef liver, egg yolks and cheese. Mushrooms

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2023-07-12 11:14:06
#Important #Vitamin #Children #Sick #Easily #Experts

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