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“Importance of Oncological Examinations for Early Detection of Cancer: Your Rights and Responsibilities in Peru”

The importance of having a oncological examination annual preventive lies in the detection in the initial stages of the cancerthe chances of cure at an early stage are greater, the treatments are less aggressive, with a better quality of life and, above all, the productive healthy years, that is, healthy years of life (Notices) are more.

Globally, the It has recorded a total of 20 million new cancer cases and 10 million cancer-related deaths. In the case of Peru, it is estimated that

“Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in Peruvian women, with more than 6,000 new cases diagnosed each year, however, if detected in early stages, which significantly improves the prognosis and quality of life of patients. Therefore, it is essential to focus on the prevention and early detection of cancer.”, commented Gabriela Calderón, oncological surgeon and President of the Peruvian Society of Mastology.

MIRA: Work Commission approves project that grants a license with pay for oncology exams

Fortunately, various laws have been implemented in the country to help in this fight against the disease, one of them is the which establishes that workers have the right to a compensable annual leave of up to two consecutive business days or not to perform oncological preventive examinations. Besides, the explains that workers in the public and private sectors are entitled to one day a year of paid leave to carry out breast and cervical cancer examinations.

How to apply for licences?

The first step is to coordinate the date and time with the employer or higher authority of the workplace. Then, you must present the medical order that indicates the tests to be carried out and, subsequently, the documents that prove said care. In both cases, the leave will be compensable with work hours agreed with the employer.

Another initiative that favors the monitoring of pediatric patients during their cancer treatment is the . This rule establishes that if the worker has a child under the age of 18 diagnosed with cancer, he or she is entitled to exceptional paid leave of up to one year. During the first 21 days, the employer covers the costs of the leave, and after that period, the leave is financed by EsSalud. “This measure is essential to ensure that parents can be present for the care and treatment of their children during this very difficult period.”commented Gabriela Calderón, oncological surgeon and President of the Peruvian Society of Mastology.

It’s important pointing that by labor inspection. In the case of a microenterprise, the fine can reach up to S/3128; for a small business, up to S/35,190; and for a non-MYPE company, up to S/241,638.

President of the Peruvian Society of Mastology, recommends that workers find out about their rights in terms of cancer prevention and learn how to request the corresponding licenses. “It is important that the population have access to preventive examinations, as well as information and awareness about the risk factors and symptoms of cancer in order to detect it on time. Prevention and early detection are the key to tackling this disease and improving people’s health, well-being and quality of life.”, he finished.


2023-04-29 04:06:06
#Labor #Day #law #grants #licenses #preventive #oncology #exams

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