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Importance of Nurses’ Involvement in Vaccination Decision-Making

“Allow nurses to help decide on the correct vaccination days and times, on the correct space, on the invitation and further information provision to patients and colleagues,” said V&VN director Jaap Kappert on Tuesday, October 10, at the presentation of the Knowledge Document on vaccination by Ted van Essen .

Van Essen, a former general practitioner, is chairman of the Dutch Influenza Foundation and has been committed to providing scientific information about ‘the sense and nonsense about vaccinations’ for years.

Kappert believes that when offering vaccination to healthcare staff, there should also be facilities that take part-time work into account. “And the sometimes high barriers that additional travel costs can impose when deciding whether or not to be vaccinated.”

Kappert emphasizes: “Healthcare professionals can of course decide for themselves whether to take the flu shot or the corona shot, and also other vaccinations in their personal lives. This document may help you make that decision or not.”

He continues: “On behalf of the professional association V&VN, I would like to inform all healthcare providers that I think it is wise to do it. I will definitely have the flu shot and the corona shot again. In fact, I got the flu shot this week. It never gives me the flu; That doesn’t happen, at most a poor deal.”

2023-10-10 15:39:28
#nurses #participate #vaccination #rounds

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