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Importance of Children’s Flu Vaccine for Christmas Season in the Valencian Community

Displaced in recent years by Covid, the flu has arrived to celebrate Christmas. However, this year in the Valencian Community there is an important weapon to combat it. Children from 2 years to 59 months can receive a flu vaccine which, although not yet very popular, is proving to be very effective.

The pediatrician at the Nazaret Health Center, María Garcés-Sánchez, explains to LA RAZÓN the importance of bringing its benefits to families. «The child is the first to be infected with the flu, he presents symptoms with very high fevers that last approximately seven days and are vectors of transmission to adults. Therefore, preventing a child from getting the flu is a benefit for them and protects their environment.”

In addition, it prevents other diseases. «The flu has the ability to generate a condition that benefits bacteria. “A flu can be followed by pneumonia, otitis or any infectious episode.”

Garcés-Sánchez, who is also a researcher attached to the Fisabio Vaccine Research Area, states that in countries like England or Finland, children have been immunized for many years, as the WHO also recommends. «Its effectiveness has been proven. We, as the Vaccine Advisory Committee, also did it and the Ministry of Health included it last year. In 2022, only Galicia, Andalusia and the Region of Murcia administered it.

Immunization is being carried out with an intranasal vaccine, that is, it does not require a puncture and produces protection in the local area. Hardly any side effects have been described, beyond rhinorrhea (mucus) and, in isolated cases, a slight fever.

However, the truth is that the demand for this vaccine has not been the majority. The latest data provided by the Ministry of Health indicates that coverage is around 30 percent, although in some departments it rises to 50 and in others it drops to 15. “It really is a shame that children are not benefiting from it.” .

Flu income

The flu season has already begun and ends in May, so although there is still time to receive it, Health recommends that the vaccine be administered as soon as possible. “The virus is circulating and takes about 10 to 15 days to generate protective antibodies.”

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Regarding the reasons why its administration has not yet been requested en masse, he admits that it may be due to lack of information. “Pediatricians are very aware of the importance of the flu, not only for children, but also in our consultations. When it appears there is a significant peak, children become infected because it is transmitted quickly.”

The good temperatures that the Valencian Community has recorded this autumn have delayed its appearance. However, the family celebrations of these dates and the drop in thermometers suggest that they will increase imminently.

The positive part is that this moment occurs when the children are on vacation, thus avoiding the source of contagion that the classrooms represent. The most serious problem, therefore, may occur from January 8 onwards.

“Covid effect”

The flu vaccine has always had “a bad reputation, in quotes,” because it is given to older people and because as the virus mutates every year, there are times when it is not as effective. However, in clinical trials carried out in children it has been proven that, as they are healthy organisms, the protection figures are much higher.

Likewise, it points out that they are verifying that the vaccine generates local immunity and, therefore, reduces colds in the upper respiratory tract.

Among the reasons that may have caused a lack of interest in this vaccine, he points out that it may be the saturation caused by covid. It became the most important of all and now fortunately and thanks to vaccines the population is immunized and its circulation is almost comparable to the rest. «People should not forget how serious the flu can be. It is not uncommon for at least one or two children to die every year. “We are vaccinating, for example, for meningitis, of which very few cases occur and we forget about this disease.”

He also highlights that more than 50 percent of children admitted for flu have no previous pathologies and with the vaccine, admissions can be avoided.

2023-12-27 05:04:23
#Valencian #pediatricians #call #vaccination #children #combat #flu

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