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Importance of Checking and Maintaining Valid Car Insurance for Financial Protection and Security


You need to check your car insurance immediately because it is not valid and if you don’t apply for the right one you will be in trouble.

L‘insurance it is one of the fundamental pillars of financial planning and risk management. Many may underestimate the importance of having adequate insurance coverage, but recent events have highlighted the importance of having solid financial protection in case of unforeseen events.

From global pandemics to natural disasters, the uncertainty of the modern world requires protection that only insurance can provide. Insurance provides financial security in the event of unexpected events such as accidents, serious illnesses or natural disasters, protecting your assets and well-being.

Keeping insurance policies updated, therefore, is essential to comply with current laws and regulations, avoiding financial and legal sanctions.

Furthermore, insurance is also an investment for the futureas long-term policies can provide additional income or financial security for you and your loved ones in case of unexpected events.

Guide to international car insurance: Certificate of Insurance, Green Card and Term Policy

It is of fundamental importance carefully check the insurance requirements of the destination country before embarking on a trip abroad. Traveling abroad in your own vehicle can be a great adventure, but it is essential to be aware of the insurance regulations in force in foreign countries. In Italy, the car/motorcycle/truck liability insurance policy is valid in all states of the European Union, as well as in Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. However, for other nations outside this list, it is necessary to obtain the so-called “green card”, which constitutes the international certificate of insurance.

The green card is a fundamental requirement for traveling in countries such as Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Russia, Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus, Turkey, Tunisia, Israel and Iran. Not having a green card implies the need to take out a temporary car/motorbike/truck liability insurance policy when crossing the border. Please also remember that this temporary policy represents the only means of traveling in countries not included in the previous list, such as the United States. The insurance certificate, green card and temporary policy allow travelers to always be protected in the event of an accident during their stay abroad.

insurance abroad

Management of road accidents abroad: procedures for Italian motorists

According to European and national directives on road insurance, Italian motorists involved in accidents abroad must follow precise protocols for claims management. This involves carefully recording the details of the responsible vehicle and documenting the damage suffered through photographs, as well as correctly completing the blue or CAI form. After returning to Italy, the insured must contact the CONSAP Italian Information Center to obtain information on the foreign insurance company and the representative designated to manage the claim. If you do not receive a response within three months, it is possible to contact the Italian compensation body of CONSAP to request compensation.

For no-fault accidents in Switzerland, the procedure may differ slightly, also allowing direct contact with the Swiss insurance without the need for a representative. In the case of accidents outside the European Economic Area, you must send the compensation request directly to the foreign insurance company or to the Bureau indicated on the green card, if the vehicle is registered in a different country. Compliance with these procedures can guarantee Italian motorists correct management of road accidents abroad and obtaining adequate compensation.

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2023-11-12 07:31:14
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