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Implementing the Spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s Speech: Province’s Theme Education Guidance Work Symposium

The province’s theme education guidance work symposium was held in Guangzhou on June 19. The meeting focused on studying and implementing the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speeches on the theme education series and important instructions. It also conscientiously implemented the deployment of the Party Central Committee and the work requirements of the provincial party committee.

Wang Jianjun, head of the Seventh Central Steering Group, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. He emphasized the importance of following the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s speeches and instructions as the fundamental basis for thematic education. Wang Jianjun highlighted the use of “five kinds of thinking” to promote in-depth and solid thematic education.

The first kind of thinking is learning thinking, which involves firmly grasping the general requirements and fundamental tasks of theme education. It emphasizes the importance of learning and understanding Xi Jinping’s new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The second kind of thinking is seeking truth thinking, which focuses on deepening investigation and research. It aims to solve real problems and promote the implementation of the Party Central Committee’s decision-making and deployment.

The third kind of thinking is dialectical thinking, which emphasizes the importance of internalizing problem inspection. It encourages self-consciousness, self-discipline, and self-confidence in addressing problems. The fourth kind of thinking is strategic thinking, which involves transforming rectification and rectification. It emphasizes the importance of adhering to reality and promoting high-quality development. The fifth kind of thinking is responsibility thinking, which emphasizes the need for party committees at all levels to promote thematic education with political awareness and initiative.

Cheng Fubo, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, also spoke at the symposium. He stated that Guangdong will thoroughly implement the decisions and deployments of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the Party Central Committee. The province will strengthen responsibility and continuously improve the quality of thematic education supervision. Cheng Fubo urged all units to fully implement the deployment requirements and ensure the achievement of practical results.

The symposium was attended by leaders and deputy leaders of 21 provincial party committee tour steering groups, as well as comrades in charge of the theme education office of the provincial party committee, and comrades in charge of the theme education office of the Guangzhou and Shenzhen party committees.

Overall, the symposium highlighted the province’s commitment to promoting in-depth and solid thematic education. The guidance work discussed at the meeting will contribute to the achievement of practical results and the implementation of the Party Central Committee’s decisions and deployments.
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critical thinking examples

On seeking truth from facts and conducting in-depth research, analysis, and study on the theme education topics. The third kind of thinking is problem-oriented thinking, which requires identifying and solving practical problems in theme education work. It emphasizes the need to address the actual issues faced by the people and target the key areas and weak links in thematic education. The fourth kind of thinking is overall thinking, which emphasizes the need to integrate the theme education work into the overall work of the Party and promote coordinated advancement. It requires coordinating various aspects, such as theory study, organizational guarantee, and grassroots implementation. The fifth kind of thinking is result-oriented thinking, which emphasizes the need to achieve practical results in theme education work. It requires implementing various tasks and measures effectively, improving the effectiveness and efficiency of thematic education.

Wang Jianjun also stressed the need to adhere to the correct political direction, deepen the understanding and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important thoughts, and enhance the sense of responsibility and mission. He called for strengthening theoretical study and addressing the weak areas in the ideological and political work of the Party. Wang Jianjun also highlighted the importance of strict party discipline and political rules, promoting clean and honest governance, and building a loyal, clean, and responsible team.

The symposium also included experiences sharing from representatives from various cities and regions in the province. They discussed the progress and achievements in theme education work, as well as the existing problems and challenges. The participants expressed their determination to fully implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speeches and instructions, strengthen the party’s leadership, and improve the effectiveness of theme education, thereby promoting the high-quality development of the province.

In conclusion, the province’s theme education guidance work symposium emphasized the importance of studying and implementing the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s speeches and instructions. It highlighted the use of “five kinds of thinking” to promote in-depth and solid thematic education. The symposium also called for adhering to the correct political direction, strengthening theoretical study, and promoting clean and honest governance. The participants expressed their determination to fully implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speeches and instructions and improve the effectiveness of theme education.

1 thought on “Implementing the Spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s Speech: Province’s Theme Education Guidance Work Symposium”

  1. This article provides valuable insights into the effective implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s vision. It highlights the province’s theme education guidance work symposium as a crucial platform for discussing and implementing these principles. By actively applying the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s speech, the province can foster positive changes and promote better governance.


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