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Implementing a classroom work plan: helping students progress from kindergarten to university

This activity is similar to others in the “I’m starting class” collection. it is intended to work directly. It provides examples and testimonials on the principle of the work plan.

Book of customs

This book is part of a collaboration between a teacher researcher in education and teachers. There are thirty one signatures in this book from donors who were involved in the implementation of work plans. In each chapter, the reader will find key points that put what is being said into perspective.

The authors

Andreaa Capitanescu Benetti is a lecturer at the University of Geneva, a doctor in the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences. Sylvain Connac, a former school teacher, is a researcher in educational sciences at the Paul-Valéry University in Montpellier and at LIRDEF, and Laurent Lescouarch is a researcher-teacher in educational sciences at the University of Caen-Normandie and a researcher at the CIRNEF laboratory. Sylvain Connac has already published several works on our website such as ” Cooperation can be learned » or « Teaching not to be banned “. Laurent Lescouarch, in collaboration with Sylvain Grandserre, published in particular ” Getting students to work in school: seven keys to teaching differently ».

What is a work plan?

The subject of the first chapter is to explain what it is about. A work plan is an educational differentiation tool that allows each student to progress at their own pace, sometimes by helping each other, on different tasks. This method is part of a teaching choice and educational support and support must be carefully considered. The authors then recall the history of work plans and then propose a typology for moving between practices that should not be confused, namely a road map, a work contract and a work plan. The authors are also careful to identify deviations and provide very useful precautions for their use.

Practical examples in kindergarten and primary school

The second chapter focuses on the use of work plans in kindergarten. It is based on several testimonials and stories of experiences. The various cases presented provide directly usable documentation. Claudia Moreira explains how she uses the work plan in the Swiss equivalent of CM2. She uses them in maths and French. She emphasizes that it is difficult for the students at the beginning because it involves a new way of working. Claudia Moreira notes that she is able to get an overview of the goals for working.

Modern use of the curriculum in middle and high school

The examples suggested here relate to mathematics, history-geography or even French. We once again appreciate the hard side in terms of presenting the teaching context but also the organization of the class and the lessons without forgetting to mention the intentions and effects that have been identified on the students. We can see the benefit of working with several people, but we also need to take into account the coordination this requires. In the example related to history-geography, David Corblin and Mathieu Jouet emphasize the importance of the milestones to ensure that the students have understood the objectives of the lesson . Both teachers note that, although a group like this requires time in advance, it frees up time in the classroom, which allows students to be helped as closely as possible. Finally, they specify that this takes time and that they are limited to one work plan per quarter.

The use of the work plan in the university and in training

As they want to show the range of possibilities, the last chapter is focused on university and training. Vanessa Desvages-Vasselin uses it with her students. She uses this method with two main goals: autonomy and variation in the pace of the work as well as the students’ commitment to their learning project.

In conclusion, the authors remember that the work plan is a “new” way to organize school work. They clearly say that it is a real solution for them, unlike level groups or repeating a year. This type of activity involves the student and asks him to take responsibility for learning.

2024-09-13 21:52:40
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