Written by steffi220 on 4/29/2023, 8:29 p.m |
Hello everyone,
am Es+11 today and the test is clearly positive. However, have spotting with brown, yellowish blood, mucus?
It’s been like this since the day before yesterday…
Did any of you already have that?
Have also since tonight pulling in the womb. Can I count on a departure?
2 answers:
Re: experience implantation bleeding?
answer from Cilia87 on April 29, 2023, 9:35 p.m
Unfortunately, I had exactly the same last year.. From the beginning and every now and then brown to black blood sometimes also pink mucus and lower abdomen pulling/burning.
Unfortunately, it ended in a miscarriage. But it doesn’t have to be!!!! Maybe start right away with Magnesiocard against pulling and presentation Gyn because of the decision progesterone?
I keep my fingers crossed and wish you all the best!
answer post
Re: experience implantation bleeding?
answer from Little Sunshine2023 on 04/29/2023, 10:03 p.m
Hey, I had a very light red spot on both SS the day before my period. Like mixing fresh blood with lots of water, the consistency was runnier than it was around ovulation. It was never darker or brown. But it can also be completely normal spotting, which is common in early pregnancy. good luck
answer post

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