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Impact Wrestling #926 results and report from Poughkeepsie, New York, USA on 04/28/2022 (incl. voting and video of the Before the Impact Show)

Quelle: IMPACT Wrestling

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Impact Wrestling #926 (Tapings: 24.04.2022)
Ort: MJN Convention Center in Poughkeepsie, New York, USA
First broadcast: April 28, 2022

Before The Impact-Show:


Before the Impact Match
Singles Match
Vincent defeated Crazy Steve via pinfall.

Main Show:

It’s that time again and a new edition of Impact Wrestling is on the agenda. Issue #926 to be exact and the first issue after “Rebellion 2022”. Impact Wrestling is all about Josh Alexander vs. Moose today. Josh Alexander was able to secure the Impact World Championship from Moose in “Rebellion 2022” and today it comes to a rematch between the two rivals. If you don’t know the results yet, you will find them here (CLICK!).

The show begins with a highlight video recap of the Rebellion 2022 PPV and ends with a reveling Josh Alexander.

Violent By Design are now heading to the ring for a promo. Eric Young states that they have proven to be the best team in the world. The promo is interrupted first by Rhino & Heath before the Briscoes come out. The Briscoes join Rhino & Heath in a debate over who should get a shot at the Impact Tag Team Championship next. Eric Young then proposes a match between the two teams

1. Match
Tag Team Match
The Briscoes (Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe) defeated Heath & Rhino via a pin on Rhino by Mark Briscoe after the froggy bow.

Backstage we see Moose standing with Scott D’Amore and complaining about the lack of appreciation from Impact. Moose states that he delivered the best match in Impact history on “Rebellion.” Scott D’Amore tells Moose that he prefers Josh Alexander as champion to Moose. He explains to Moose that tonight’s winner will be up against a hand-picked opponent at Under Siege 2022. Moose replies that he doesn’t care who he’s up against in Under Siege 2022 because he’ll be victorious tonight. Moose insults Josh Alexander’s family a bit and then leaves the scene.

Another hype video for “EGV” is shown. (You can find out more about “EGV” and other exciting topics in our Impact news block)

2. Match
Singles Match
Bhupinder Guijar defeated VSK via a pinfall after a spear.

Mahabali Shera then comes out and confronts Bhupinder Guijar. A brawl threatens to break out until Raj Singh intervenes. Bhupinder Guijar vs. Mahabali Shera is announced for the Under Siege special on May 7th, 2022.

New Impact X Division Champion Ace Austin stands backstage with Gia Miller and discusses his victory at Rebellion 2022. He says that this is his third time champion and he made it all by himself even though the whole world thought he needed help. Rocky Romero joins them, which Ace Austin doesn’t like and tells him to leave because he’s interfering with his interview. Romero is challenging Austin for the X-Division Championship next week, but Ace Austin says he unfortunately doesn’t have time to defend the championship that day. Rocky Romero wants to discuss this with his “good friend” Scott D’Amore and get his opinion. Ace Austin now wants to leave the scene, but Mike Bailey stands in his way, which ends the segment.

It continues with Steve Maclin commenting that the next challenger to the Impact World Champion will be personally selected by Scott D’Amore. Maclin insists he deserves it the most after his recent performances!

3. Match
6 Man Tag Team Match
Honor No More (Eddie Edwards, Matt Taven & Mike Bennett w/ Maria Kanellis & Kenny King) defeated The Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin) & Mike Bailey via pin on Mike Bailey by Matt Taven after distraction and interference by Maria Kanellis & Kenny King.

The BULLET CLUB make their way to the ring after the match and stare down with Honor No More. A big brawl breaks out, which the BULLET CLUB wins.

Now Josh Alexander is backstage with Gia Miller. Gia Miller tells Josh Alexander he’s had little time to celebrate his Rebellion2022 triumph. Josh Alexander replies that he’s had enough time because he’s lived through the highest highs and the deepest lows. He goes on to say he’s waited six months for his rematch, with Moose only having to wait five days, but he’ll be fine. Gia asks if he’s worried about the opponent Scott D’Amore might pick. Josh says he’s not worried at all before leaving

AAA Reina de Reina Champion Taya Valkyrie now holds a promo and talks about her eventful past year. She explains how much the AAA Reina de Reina Championship means to her before being attacked from behind by Deonna Purrazzo. The two women fight until Rosemary and Havok come out. Deonna Purrazzo escapes while Rosemary and Taya stare down.

4. Match
Tag Team Match
The Decay (Havok & Rosemary) defeated Savannah Evans & Tasha Steelz via pin on Savannah Evans by Havok.

It continues with Vincent saying that PCO will enter the coliseum and ready to fight monsters, but next week they will call this coliseum the “Monster Ball”. PCO enters the scene and yells, “JONAH”

5. Match
Impact World Championship
Singles Match
Josh Alexander (c) defeated Moose via pin after the C4.

After his win, Josh Alexander is confronted by Tomohiro Ishii.

With these images and the start of a possible new rivalry, today’s edition ends.

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