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Impact of Streaming Platforms on Cultural Consumption: Changing Habits and Challenges Ahead

Streaming has become a staple of entertainment and culture for younger generations.

Platforms such as Netflix, Disney+ and Spotify have profoundly changed cultural consumption habits.

We will analyze how these platforms have influenced entertainment and cultural consumption practices, the expectations of younger generations in terms of content and the way in which cultural industries have had to adapt to this new environment.

Streaming: real-time broadcast technology and growing popularity

Streaming is a real-time broadcast technology that allows users to access content (music, films, series, etc.) without having to download it. This technology provides quick and easy access to a wide range of content, without constraints of time or location. The popularity of streaming is explained in particular by its practicality, flexibility and accessibility, allowing users to consume content on demand and continuously.

Streaming platforms and their effects on cultural consumption habits

Streaming platforms have profoundly changed the cultural consumption habits of younger generations. Personalization content offered, thanks to recommendation algorithms, has made it possible to broaden the cultural horizons of users, who thus discover new artists, genres and styles. This personalization has strengthened users’ attachment to these platforms, which allow them to build tailor-made content libraries.

Furthermore, streaming platforms have had an impact on formats content consumed. Television series, for example, have experienced real growth thanks to streaming platforms, which have favored the development of various formats (mini-series, long-episode series, etc.). Similarly, K-dramas (Korean series) have gained popularity through their broadcast on these platforms.

L’accessibility Streaming content has changed the cultural consumption habits of younger generations. Now, users can access a multitude of content in just a few clicks, without having to travel or purchase physical media. This ease of access has encouraged the consumption of content in “marathon” (binge-watching), users being able to chain episodes of their favorite series.

The influence of celebrities and influencers on streaming platforms

Celebrities and influencers play an important role in popularizing streaming platforms and the content they offer. They have become real marketing tools, capable of influencing the choices and behaviors of younger generations in terms of entertainment and cultural consumption. Collaborations between these personalities and streaming platforms help to create a feeling of community around them and to strengthen their attractiveness to users.

The challenges facing cultural industries faced with the rise of streaming

The growing popularity of streaming platforms has led cultural industries (cinema, music, television) to rethink their economic models and adapt to this new environment. They are particularly faced with challenges in terms of copyright, artist remuneration and financing of creation.

Furthermore, the rise of streaming platforms has raised questions about their impact onenvironment. Energy consumption linked to streaming and data storage is in fact a major issue for cultural industries, which must find solutions to make the digital transition environmentally friendly.

Finally, streaming platforms have a role to play in the cultural diversity and the promotion of local content, facing the domination of Anglo-Saxon productions. Cultural industries must therefore work in close collaboration with these platforms to preserve and promote the diversity of cultural expressions.

Streaming platforms have profoundly transformed the entertainment and cultural consumption habits of younger generations. They offer new opportunities for cultural industries, while raising significant challenges in terms of artist remuneration, environmental impact and cultural diversity. In order to meet these challenges, close collaboration between streaming platforms and cultural industry players is essential.

2024-03-09 01:15:00
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