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Impact of Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant on Tuna Prices and Aquatic Product Industry: A Chain Reaction Exposed

At 13:00 local time on August 24, Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant started to discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea, and related negative reactions gradually emerged. The price of tuna in Japan plummeted by 24% overnight. In addition, due to Japan’s forceful push to discharge nuclear-contaminated water into the sea, more and more Koreans are unwilling to buy aquatic products. Chain reactions have occurred in many fields such as the catering industry.

On the 25th, when participating in the discussion of the cooperation resolution between the United Nations and the Pacific Islands Forum, Geng Shuang, China’s deputy permanent representative to the United Nations, said in his speech that if the nuclear-contaminated water is safe, there is no need to discharge the sea, and if it is not safe, it is even worse. Should be out to sea. In his statement and the Japanese government’s recent statements, the representative of Japan has repeatedly quoted the assessment report of the International Atomic Energy Agency. In fact, IAEA Director General Grossi repeatedly emphasized in the preface of the report and related press conferences that the discharge of sewage into the sea is a national decision of the Japanese government, and the agency report is neither a recommendation nor an endorsement of this policy.

In addition, Xin Xin, a meteorological analyst at the China Weather Channel, said that on the 25th, the Japan Meteorological Agency and the Central Meteorological Observatory upgraded the number of low pressure in the open sea to No. 10 typhoon Dawei. This typhoon will go northward and have no direct impact on our country. Considering the wind and waves rolled up by the typhoon, it may be conducive to the eastward transmission of nuclear contaminated water in Japan.

Japanese tuna prices plunge 24% overnight

According to the data published on the website of the Tokyo Metropolitan Central Wholesale Market, the average price of fresh Aomori tuna in the Toyosu market on August 25 plummeted by 24% compared with the day before. The price per kilogram is currently 9383 yen, about 467 yuan.

In addition, according to Observer.com’s report on the 24th from the Japan Broadcasting Association (NHK) and Jiji News Agency, China occupies a leading position in the “fault” in the export of Japanese aquatic products. Many Japanese aquatic products and processing companies “fell into panic after the release of Chinese control measures.” “.

Japanese media reported that the president of a fishery company in Fukuoka said frankly that his “brain went blank” after hearing the news. A fishery processing company in Hokkaido was worried about seeing more than ten tons of frozen scallops in the icehouse that had not yet been shipped. Reluctantly said, “It’s time to come.”… For a while, relevant personnel in Japan’s domestic fishery industry were “sorrowful”, and the president of the National Federation of Fisheries Associations (All Fisheries Federation) also quickly called Yasutoshi Nishimura, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan. Complaint: “Fishermen across the country are amazed by this.”

There has been a chain reaction in South Korea! Involves many fields…

According to CCTV Finance, due to Japan’s forceful push to discharge nuclear-contaminated water into the sea, more and more Koreans are unwilling to buy aquatic products, and chain reactions have appeared in many fields such as the catering industry.

In Wolmido Island, a well-known scenic spot in Incheon, South Korea, you can have a panoramic view of the west coast of South Korea and taste various aquatic products at the same time. On a food street here, there are dozens of sashimi shops alone. During the summer vacation, the number of customers in many shops increased. However, after the launch of the sea-discharging in Japan on August 24, the business took a sharp turn for the worse. Some shop owners even expressed despair, planning to change the shop into a knife-cut noodle shop and so on. Many ordinary restaurants have also begun to worry about the impact on sales and consider removing fish from the menu. However, when the prices of Korean ingredients are generally high, seafood is relatively cheap. Once the menu is changed, it is likely to increase operating costs.

In fact, since Japan announced the release of nuclear-contaminated water, the consumption of aquatic products in South Korea has continued to slump. Before the Mid-Autumn Festival this year, the sales of pre-sale dried yellow croaker gift boxes in some areas have decreased by 60% to 70% compared with the same period last year. People in the retail industry pointed out that seafood consumption will further shrink after the sea discharge, and large supermarkets are busy formulating countermeasures. Japan’s nuclear-contaminated water discharge has completely disrupted the supply of goods for the Mid-Autumn Festival in South Korea. At the same time, the discharge of the sea will have a negative impact on the autumn seafood festivals held in many places in South Korea starting today, and the number of participants is expected to drop significantly. Many seaside attractions in South Korea, including Wolmido, are also pessimistic about the future prospects of tourism.

At present, in response to the discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea, South Korea has not added other countermeasures except to strengthen the detection of radioactive substances in the ocean and aquatic products. Not only that, the testing equipment and manpower are seriously insufficient, and the aquatic product testing items are limited to radioactive iodine and cesium, and have not included the much-concerned tritium element, making the public question South Korea’s sincerity in responding. Since Tuesday, protests against sea discharges have continued to heat up across South Korea. On August 26, the four major opposition parties in South Korea will also hold an unprecedented large-scale rally to prevent the sea discharge in Seoul. Relevant persons emphasized that South Korean citizens will continue to speak out together with the international community to oppose the sea discharge until Japan stops this wrong behavior until.

China hits back at Japan’s rhetoric at the United Nations: the assessment report cannot be Japan’s pass to discharge the sea

On the 25th, when participating in the discussion of the cooperation resolution between the United Nations and the Pacific Islands Forum, Geng Shuang, China’s deputy permanent representative to the United Nations, said in his speech that the ocean is the common property of all mankind, and Japan’s unilateral decision to discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea ignores It is extremely selfish and irresponsible to transfer the risk of nuclear pollution to the world for the public interest. He called on the international community to jointly urge the Japanese government to correct its wrong decision and immediately stop the discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea.

Geng Shuang, Deputy Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations:The Japanese side has yet to address the major concerns of the international community over the long-term reliability of nuclear-contaminated water purification devices, the authenticity and accuracy of nuclear-contaminated water data, and the effectiveness of the sea discharge monitoring program. China and other stakeholders have repeatedly pointed out that if nuclear contaminated water is safe, there is no need to discharge it into the sea; if it is not safe, it should not be discharged into the sea.

In response to Japan’s remarks, Geng Shuang further pointed out that the Japanese representative has repeatedly cited the assessment report of the International Atomic Energy Agency in his speech and in the recent statements of the Japanese government. In fact, IAEA Director General Grossi repeatedly emphasized in the preface of the report and related press conferences that the discharge of sewage into the sea is a national decision of the Japanese government, and the agency report is neither a recommendation nor an endorsement of this policy.

Geng Shuang, Deputy Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations:I think it is easy for everyone to understand that the IAEA report cannot be a “passport” for Japan to forcibly discharge nuclear-contaminated water into the sea. The report cannot give Japan the legitimacy and legality to discharge the sea, nor can it exempt Japan from its moral responsibilities and international legal obligations.

Geng Shuang said that the ocean is the common property of all mankind, and it is also the blue homeland on which the Pacific island countries depend for their survival. Twelve years ago, a serious accident occurred at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan, which released a large amount of radioactive materials into the ocean, causing a huge disaster. Twelve years later, the Japanese government, in disregard of doubts and opposition from the international community, unilaterally launched the discharge of nuclear-contaminated water into the sea, which caused secondary harm to the local people and even the people of the world.

Geng Shuang said that the disposal of nuclear-contaminated water has transnational effects, and it is by no means a private matter for Japan. Japan’s move ignores public interests and blatantly transfers the risk of nuclear pollution to the whole world, including Pacific island countries. It is extremely selfish and irresponsible. China calls on the international community to jointly urge the Japanese government to correct its wrong decision, immediately stop the discharge of nuclear-contaminated water into the sea, communicate with relevant countries and stakeholders in good faith with a sincere attitude, dispose of nuclear-contaminated water in a responsible manner, and avoid damage to the global ocean. environment, and avoid unpredictable damage and harm to the health and well-being of people around the world.

This year’s No. 10 typhoon “Dawei” may generate or affect Northeast Japan

According to news from the Central Meteorological Observatory on August 25, at 5 o’clock on the 25th, this year’s No. 10 typhoon “Dawei” was formed on the ocean about 920 kilometers east-north of Guam. The intensity is a tropical storm (level 8, 18 m/s). It is expected that “Dawei” will move northeastward at a speed of 25-30 kilometers per hour. On the 26th, it will begin to turn to the east of the northwest direction, with little change in intensity.

According to China Weather Network, the center of “Dawei” (tropical storm level) is located at 5 o’clock this morning (26th) on the ocean about 1,280 kilometers northeast of Guam, at 23.7 degrees north latitude and 154.1 degrees east longitude, and the maximum wind force near the center There are 8 levels (20 m/s), the lowest air pressure in the center is 995 hPa, and the radius of the seven-level wind circle is 120-180 kilometers.

It is expected that “Dawei” will move to the northwest at a speed of 30-35 kilometers per hour, with little change in intensity.

Judging from the path, it is expected that from the 28th to the 29th, Typhoon “Dawei” will reach the northeastern region of Japan and the waters east of Hokkaido, and then turn eastward. Fukushima Prefecture is located in the northeast region of Japan.

Whether typhoon “Dawei” will affect the nuclear contaminated water discharge plan of the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan has not yet been responded by relevant parties. Xin Xin, a meteorological analyst at China Meteorological Channel, said that the wind and waves rolled up by “Dawei” may facilitate the eastward transmission of Japan’s nuclear contaminated water.

(Article source: Securities Times)

Article source: Securities Times

Original title: China hits back at Japan’s rhetoric! The price of Japanese tuna plummeted 24% overnight, and South Korea has already had a chain reaction!The new typhoon is heading towards Japan, experts: the wind and waves may send nuclear contaminated water eastward

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2023-08-26 23:22:24
#China #hits #Japans #rhetoricThe #typhoon #heading #Japanese #experts #wind #waves #send #nuclear #contaminated #water #eastward

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