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Impact of Consuming Sweetened Foods and Drinks for Health

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Internal Medicine Specialist Rudy Kurniawan said that more and more young people are now exposed to it food and Drink sweetened. That’s why, it’s not surprising that young people in their 20s have diabetes.

“In the past, diabetes was considered a disease of the elderly, now there is no age at all,” said Rudy Kurniawan, who is also the founder of the Sobat Diabet movement at an online conference “The Impact of Consumption of Packaged Sweetened Drinks or MBDK as a Contributor of High Cost Non-Communicable Diseases” on Tuesday, June 7, 2022. The World Health Organization or WHO and the Ministry of Health have conveyed the daily sugar limit.

Dose sugarsalt, fat per person per day

Minister of Health Regulation Number 30 of 2013 contains the maximum dose of sugar consumption per person per day is 10 percent of the total energy of 200 kcal. Consumption of sugar is equivalent to 50 grams or four tablespoons per person per day.

In addition to sugar intake, the government also provides guidelines for salt and fat consumption per person per day. Consume a maximum of one teaspoon of salt or 5 grams per person per day. While fat intake is 20-25 percent of the total energy of 702 kcal per person per day. The dose is equivalent to 67 grams or five tablespoons of fat per person per day.

According to Rudy Kurniawan, consumption of sweetened foods and drinks cannot be separated from one’s habits or habits. Simple examples, eating at the office, drinking coffee in cafes, and various tempting offers when you get a free upsize promo for any drinks and food, which essentially add calories. While the calories burned are not proportional to the calories in.

“The biggest challenge today is changing behavior in an environment that is exposed to unhealthy products,” he said. Every eight seconds, one person dies of diabetes and its complications. Data from the International Diabetes Federation shows that one in five people with diabetes is less than 40 years old. And about 19.5 million Indonesians aged 20-79 years have diabetes.

The Ministry of Health’s Basic Health Research in 2018 showed that more than 95 percent of Indonesian teenagers consume less vegetables and fruit. The results of a study by Diabet Friends with Kantar entitled “Understanding Health and Nutrition Among Adolescents” in 2021 found that only 57 percent of teenagers consumed half to one serving of fruit. And only 65 percent of teenagers who consume half to one serving of vegetables. Meanwhile, the recommendation from the Ministry of Health and WHO is five servings of fruits and vegetables per day.

Disease diabetes

Diabetes, Rudy Kurniawan continued, is difficult to diagnose because there are no specific disorders. Most diabetic patients only find out they have the disease after other health problems appear, such as decreased vision function, wounds that don’t heal, heart and blood vessel disorders, and so on.

Rudy explained, two out of three people with diabetes who live in low-income countries are not diagnosed. “There is still a lack of knowledge by health workers about diabetes and delays in evaluation, so the risk of complications increases,” he said.

If this condition continues, Rudy Kurniawan continued, there will be metabolic syndrome. This is a condition in which various diseases, diets and unhealthy lifestyles are interrelated. “The incidence of metabolic syndrome, including diabetes, is influenced by a complex interaction between behavior, genetics, socioeconomic conditions, and many things beyond the control of the individual,” he said.

If a person has experienced complications due to diabetes, Rudy said, then he will not only deal with health conditions, but also have an impact on social conditions because that person certainly requires long-term care. Not to mention the economic implications of not being able to work optimally.

So how to avoid diabetes?

Not only education about the importance of implementing healthy lifestyle, pay attention to the consumption of healthy food and drinks, exercise regularly, get enough rest, manage stress, and build a supportive ecosystem or environment. “The support of family, relatives, coworkers, and friends is important to build a healthy lifestyle,” he said while presenting a study which states that people with obesity 37 percent have the potential to “infect” or make their partner obese as well.

For parents and children, it is also necessary to understand basic nutrition. That way, children will apply the habit of consuming healthy foods from an early age. “It’s a process that takes years to develop a healthy appetite and drink,” he says.

Read also:
1,249 Indonesian Children Have Type One Diabetes

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