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Immunologist Shivarov pointed out the weapon of the virus

“There is no direct link between COVID-19 and cancer. The positive thing about the pandemic has been that it has greatly stimulated the development of biomedicine, and the quality of research has improved greatly.”

This was said in the show “The Day Live with Nadelina Aneva” on NOVA NEWS by Assoc. Prof. Velizar Shivarov, immunologist and hematologist.

But for him we are not very close to the collective immunity, since there are so many sick people again, which leads to more mortality.

He did not want to take a firm stand on restrictive measures and said he would not want to be in the place of those who decide on restrictions and measures, because balancing health problems, saving lives and maintaining a functioning economy is not easy at all. .

Regarding vaccination, Assoc. Prof. Shivarov said that a person should be vaccinated with what is available, and as soon as possible. And the fact that there are so many people willing to be vaccinated on the online platform is positive.

“The weapon of the virus is that it changes, we attack it with our immune system, the vaccine is a help, but a person can only protect himself,” said the expert.

Regarding the vaccination passport, the immunologist believes that it only testifies to receiving a vaccine, receiving health care and this does not guarantee good immunity.

In the show, Penka Seabold, a nurse in the UK who works at the largest cancer hospital in Europe, said that the health facility, which is one part private and the other half public, has almost no COVID-19, and last year it was there was one coronavirus treatment unit, and cancer patients infected with COVID were successfully cured.

Regarding the vaccination, she said that the entire hospital was vaccinated in early January without coercion, and cancer patients are vaccinated only with Pfizer BioNTech and Moderna, due to the weaker immune system of the patients.

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