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Immunity: How to Protect the Defender – Free Press


Seasonal colds or ARVI are perhaps the most common disease in the autumn-winter season. And it’s not even about hypothermia, lack of sun or vitamins. The main culprits of infection are viruses. Today science knows at least 200 varieties of ARVI and influenza viruses. The cold season for them is a real high season, viruses are actively developing and, unlike people, they feel great. According to statistics, an adult suffers from ARVI on average from 1 to 3 times a year. Children get sick even more often (except for babies, who, as a rule, are still under the protection of the immunity received from the mother).

It has long been disproved and a widespread misconception that the main source of infection is citizens who are already sick, coughing and sneezing. “There are at least three types of transmission of the disease: airborne, airborne dust and household,” reminds Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Valery Svistushkin… It turns out that viruses are viable indoors for 2 to 9 hours. On paper, cardboard and fabrics – 8-12 hours, on metal objects and plastic – up to 2 days, on the glass surface – up to 10 days. Therefore, personal hygiene and regular cleaning of premises are not just words. This is what works.

If it was still not possible to protect yourself from the virus, the incubation, that is, hidden, period for ARVI is 1-3 days. Then the first symptoms appear – first a runny nose, and then a sore throat, cough, a slight increase in temperature. Therapists do not recommend taking antipyretic drugs up to 38 ° C – it is believed that in this way the body mobilizes its own immune system to fight the virus. On average, with ARVI, the fever lasts no more than 3 days, a runny nose – up to 7. Most patients recover within 10 days.

According to therapist Igor Steshin, the main factors affecting the body’s susceptibility to ARVI and the severity of the course of the disease itself are weakened immunity; chronic stress; excessive physical activity; allergic diseases; smoking; metabolic disorders (obesity, diabetes mellitus).

How and how can you strengthen the immune system – our main protector? And is it really necessary? Isn’t the body able to control and regulate its own defense mechanisms? Being in its “normal” state, – the doctors explain, – human immunity is really capable of recognizing and neutralizing all dangerous microbes and viruses without much difficulty etc. Most of the symptoms of SARS are precisely the body’s defensive reaction to the penetration of the virus. However, in the conditions of an aggressive urban environment, when the immune system is forced to contain the attacks of not only the already familiar viruses, but also the full strength of the young aggressor – COVID-19 – she herself needs help.

To begin with, doctors advise to revise their daily habits, eliminate alcohol and smoking, give up overeating, and reduce the use of sugar (light carbohydrates). According to the physician-therapist of the highest category Lyudmila Ryabova, for the cells of the immune system to function normally, they need to receive proteins, vitamins (especially A, C, E and group B) and minerals in full. As you know, complete proteins are found in meat, fish, legumes. It is also recommended to give preference to plant foods of yellow, red and orange colors – thanks to them, vitamins and antioxidants necessary for the body are synthesized. Vitamins can be taken additionally, in the form of vitamin complexes – but only those whose content in the body does not correspond to the norm (this will help to establish an extended biochemical blood test).

To help, and not interfere with the body’s fight against viruses, you need to be extremely careful about the choice of drugs, focusing not on your own preferences and advice from friends, but on the opinion of a doctor.

“Interferon inducers help to prevent various acute respiratory viral infections, which include coronaviruses. – told “SP” doctor of medical sciences, infectious disease doctor Nikolay Malyshev… “Medicines such as Kagocel stimulate the body’s natural production of its own interferons – proteins that block the multiplication of pathogenic viruses. This is a physiological process, since the human body produces its own interferons in the amount necessary for protection and they do not cause unwanted reactions. Therefore, the use of interferon inducers is actively used for the treatment and prevention of influenza and ARVI in adults and children.

But doctors categorically do not recommend taking antibiotics at the first sign of ARVI. “It has long been proven that antibiotics do not help patients with acute respiratory diseases recover faster, and they should not be used for prevention!” – says Professor Svistushkin.

You will bring much more benefit to the body by taking care of your nervous system and improving sleep – at least 7-8 hours. As you know, with insomnia, the body’s defense is noticeably weakened, especially since another sworn enemy of immunity – chronic stress – often interferes with getting enough sleep. According to lecturer of the Department of Pediatrics, RMANPO, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Irina Kholodova, new research in neurophysiology supports the assumption that emotions and mood affect the human immune system, reducing or increasing the body’s resistance to acute respiratory infections. “At the everyday level, many note, for example, that when a person is confident in himself and is passionate about some goal, he is not distracted by negative factors that always surround everyone, and in this state he is less likely to be infected.”

By the way

Recently, during a video conference timed to coincide with the signing of documents on cooperation between Russian and foreign scientists in the fight against COVID, President Putin asked experts to explain why “members of the same family, both vaccinated, face the virus, one gets mildly ill, and the second – not at all. “

According to Director of the Gamaleya Center Alexander Gintsburg, quoted by RIA-Novosti, is very simple to explain. The person who does not get sick at all has a very high level of interferon. Therefore, the entire infectious process of this person, “ends at the first phase of the immune response, at the phase of phagocytosis” “… High interferon status, as a rule, occurs in people who lead a normal, correct lifestyle, eat well, sleep well and do not get into stressful situations. This is not common, but it does occur, ”Gintsburg emphasized.

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