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Immune, the anti-infection app was downloaded only by eight out of a hundred Italians

«immune it has been downloaded 4 million times ». To support it yesterday, during an interview, was the Minister of Innovation Paola Pisano who also underlined how theapp “Technologically and technically it is working”. In fact, everything else doesn’t seem to work. To date, i.e. two weeks after the official activity of the contact tracking system across the peninsula, an incisive communication campaign, an effective health strategy and a unity of purpose at regional level are still missing.
It is therefore no wonder that the trust of Italian citizens, who have never been really well disposed towards Immuni despite the fact that the app is secure in terms of privacy, is gradually waning.

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So according to the surveys of Emg Acqua conducted on behalf of Public Affairs Advisors, only 39% of the interviewed sample declares themselves available to download and use the app. Yet at the end of May, just before the start of experimentation in Liguria, Abruzzo, Marche and Puglia, 44% favored the use of Immuni. Intentions of the Italians aside, the numbers speak. The 4 million downloads announced by the minister in fact, excluding the population between 0 and 14 years because they are not authorized to use the app, they represent about 8 percent of the country’s inhabitants. A figure very far from the now well-known 60 percent threshold considered by researchers at the University of Oxford to be the watershed to determine the success or failure of this type of application. In the same way Immuni is also far from that 20 percent that has been indicated as the second minimum threshold by the same scholars of the English university as soon as they realized the impossibility of reaching certain figures. In practice, at the moment, if there is no way to convince Italian users to install Immuni on their smartphone, the efforts made to develop it risk being completely useless.

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This is also supported by Luca Ferrari, CEO of Bending Spoons, the company chosen by the Ministry of Innovation for software development. “It is crucial that the greatest number of people download it,” he told SkyTg24 yesterday, immediately after the intervention of the Minister Pisano, stressing that “4 million downloads are few compared to what they might need”. The communication campaign will therefore be decisive which, as stated by Pisano herself a few days ago, “has yet to get to the heart”. Some short TV spots have begun to appear in the homes of the Italians but without being able to understand the real usefulness of the app which has actually ended up again at the center of the controversy. This time there is the charge of voluntary quarantine limbo to which those who receive a notification from Immuni are exposed. In fact, there is no strategy that allows the immediate intervention of the Healthcare System to check the user’s health. The result is that the good citizen who downloaded Immuni risks getting stuck for no reason. It therefore seems obvious that something is missing and, in this case, the responsibility would seem to be of the Ministry of Health: “We built the car and the machine works well – Pisano explained yesterday – Now it’s up to the pilot” which, in the case of Immuni, is the dicastery led by Roberto Speranza. Not only. To make the already difficult path of the application even more tortuous are the forward leaks of some territories. Several regions have indeed developed their own software which risk confusing and misleading citizens even if only in the case of Sardinia the app also has a tracking function. In other cases, it is used for statistical and epidemiological analyzes (Lombardy), for medical assistance (Lazio and Veneto) and for tourists on vacation (Sicily). In practice now in Italy there is an app for everything, except one that really works in an anti-contagion perspective.

Last updated: 10:08


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