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Immune grows and notifications increase

The most discussed, loved, hated and criticized app of the moment, but probably also the most important, is Immune. Il Sole 24 Ore has recently given out new numbers on the performance of the app, useful for weighing its penetration and fundamental for understanding the type of contribution it will be able to offer to the fight to contain Covid during the coming autumn months.

The numbers of Immuni: 6.4 million downloads

The first data is that of the downloads: 6.4 million Italians have downloaded Immuni and the trend, above all, is increasing: they would have been well 500 thousand downloads recorded in the first 7 days after returning to schools, a sign that the awareness of some schools has certainly contributed to spreading the importance of this type of contact tracing.

Another interesting fact: from 1 June to today they would have been 299 positive users who uploaded their keys to the system (21 in June, 38 in July, 96 in August, already 144 in September). The trend is growing, as was obvious, for two reasons: because app downloads are increasing and because unfortunately cases of positivity are also increasing. The combination of the two combinations makes the app more useful and active, demonstrating its qualities to help health authorities in reconstructing possible chains of contagion and identifying possible risk situations.

From 13 July to today notifications sent by Immune were 4490, but above all, 1109 notifications would have arrived in the last two weeks. This means that the trend is increasing sharply, making the app much more active in reporting risk conditions. At this point, only the health authorities have the pulse of the situation in their hands in order to be able to express useful judgments on Immuni, tare the false positives and measure its potential on the basis of what the local health companies are otherwise able to do without app support. The clear confirmation is that the greater the penetration of the app, the greater its weight in the fight against contagions in a fundamental phase like the current one: keeping the curve flat for as long as possible will give Italy, the Italians, ample breathing space. , the national economy and the freedom of movement on the territory. Immune, along with spacing, apps and masks, is one of the central tools in this trench battle.

Regardless of everything that everyone can think of the app, in full freedom to decide if download it or not, one thing is evident: the grip of Covid is also bringing pressure to Italy, but the Italians (with or without Immunes) are proving to be able to defend themselves as and better than other countries. In these hours, Immuni cuts the threshold of 6 million and the trend will be kept at these rates if we hope to be able to arrive in November with a system that is really present, alive, useful and effective. For those who have proposed and developed it, at this point there remains a final duty: to continue working to optimize its impact on the health system and continue to promote it in order to obtain everything obtainable in the short time left.

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