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Immigration law: the Constitutional Council censors part of the text

The Constitutional Council decided to reject 32 provisions out of 86 examined, considering them unconstitutional. A third of the text was therefore subject to partial or total censorship, including the establishment of migration quotas set by Parliament.

He therefore in particular totally or partially censored those, controversial and emblematic, concerning family reunification, the right of residence of foreign students – including the deposit -, social provisions – including housing aid and family allowances -, the fine tort of illegal stay but, also, everything relating to nationality law including forfeiture and the end of the unconditionality of emergency accommodation.

The government must learn lessons from this decision. Part of the law turns out to contravene the higher standards of the rule of law, which the Executive knew perfectly well when it made a shameful compromise with LR to the great joy of an Extreme Right which was able to impose the theme xenophobic of national preference and its political tempo. It is for this set of reasons that this text, even purged of the most harmful provisions, must not be promulgated.

The government must abandon the idea of ​​reforming the AME which is a measure of justice and public health. He must hear the hundreds of thousands of people from various backgrounds who demonstrated massively, at the call of personalities and multiple organizations, in a spirit of dignity and unity, on January 14 and 21, 2024.

The CGT continues to demand the regularization of migrant workers on the basis of simple proof of work. A law allowing these legal regularizations should obviously be passed.

The CGT also demands the regularization of strikers in the Paris region and in the north and the regularization of delivery workers in Seine-Maritime for whom the Seine-Maritime Prefecture has issued OQTFs.

Whatever the government says, this law in no way meets the expectations of workers. The latter remain waiting for an improvement in their purchasing power undermined by inflation and an increase in salaries and pensions while the purchasing power of all continues to deteriorate. .

The law sets up a system leading to a serious precariousness of the right to stay and toughens the conditions allowing the integration of people of foreign nationality. In addition, the judicial system is reformed, also taking the path of impoverishment of the main principles founding the guarantee of a fair and equitable trial.

The measures presented are dangerous, not only for foreign people present on French territory but also for society itself, in that this project destroys the fundamental principles of human rights founding our system.

The CGT intends to continue to work resolutely for the unity of our social camp while migrant workers, with or without papers, remain the most exposed to overexploitation.

The CGT will not allow the principles of the Republic to be flouted and will continue to act for progress and social justice.

Montreuil, January 25, 2024

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