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Immigrant in California is denied the coronavirus vaccine for being undocumented | Univision News Edicion Digital

plan to get vaccinated, in the face of soonly 17% of the DemocratsWhat do they say they will notget vaccinated.carolina: speaking of the subject, incalifornia there was an incident ina pharmacy where they denied himthe vaccine to an immigrant, forbe undocumented. furthermore I will notthey accepted your identificationMexican consular foridentify. she is inI live in the digital edition.Tell us how was yourreaction when they were deniedthis vaccine.they asked for social security.an insurance. I said nohe had. they told me that oneWhat is it called?the identification.but that outside of california,I told them that I did not have you that I didonly my consular. she meHe said: no, sorry. to themoment he told me and that forí was a word that did notI would have used me thenhusband asked him and he presentedyour driver’s license.and then I would stillI asked: then am I going tocan?Will I be able to accept the vaccine?and she said: no.the undocumented are notvaccine.and my husband was that he said:Why do you ask him that? Yesare we undocumented? isshe said no but they are thingsof the store. and that’s it.they accepted him, they wentto put the vaccine, thenall my son tells him:then I would like to speak with …with the pharmacist.and they already passed it on to him.and he also told himasked all the same. my son andHe told him that he didn’t have you, butWhat did the maticle have?consularborja: graciela, we’re sorrylong this has happenedincident. I would like to know,when the vaccine is denied, orIn this case, what do you do?Do you finally get the vaccineor not?Graciela: I, they put it on meyesterday.one of the same compía, butalready in another location why notI wanted to go back to it.Carolina: President Joebiden has said ever sincestarted the topic of vaccinesthat anyone qualifiesto get vaccinated.What message would you likeyou send otherspeople like you?What would you like to say?>> well, I told them thattry to go get vaccinated. what ifthey refuse the vaccine, yesthey should contact theirrepresentatives or to anypoetic for them to put wingsinformation that they are acceptedthe consular as a wayof identification.borja: sebastán, graciela,We appreciate that you have beenwith us in the editiondigital. good that’s what goodjust. graciela put on hervaccine, but it is not worth havingto go through that, for something thatit is being recommended, and it is knownthat anyoneregardless of your

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