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Immature Video Game Designers | Middle Tech and Nerdos

Degree of difficulty: 1 (A news item about videogames with a societal dimension).

Columnist: Roberto

Activision-Blizzard in the crosshairs

Some more or less known video games

The Gamers have, most likely, heard of the protests you are currently facing, Activision-Blizzard.

The following articles, from TNW Y ABC Australia (both in English), they summarize it well:

For those who are not very familiar with video games, Activision-Blizzard is the editor of the following games:

That is, of games more or less known.

Wrong answer!

In 2010, during a “Blizzcon” conference, a woman asked a simple question.

Note: Pay attention to the reaction of a part of the audience, in addition to that of the panelists.

Video obtained in the canal YouTube “curesforpain”

Eleven years later, the video of this question resurfaced (The internet has a very good memory).

Former World of Warcraft Designer Apologizes For Disastrous 2010 Blizzcon Answer

Note: I read the tweets in question from Greg Street (one of the “protagonists” of this shameful moment). Looks like the guy didn’t learn much in 11 years …

Video games are just one facet

An unfortunately habitual behavior

There was, recently, a similar movement in French video game companies. I wrote articles about it (note: I am a French citizen):

It was – sorry – it is the same exact problem. However, this time his description is more open and crude.

There is talk of “Frat Boys”, An American expression that describes disgusting (and habitual) behavior.

Academically successful

It turns out that this behavior is even more common than you might think. It is the consequence of an absence in both academic and cultural education (not only) of men.

Its effect is even more damaging when these young people are academically (but not humanly) successful.

It is not limited to video game development, currently in the gaze, nor to the form of education of men. It is the perpetuation of insidious forms of discrimination and alienation.

The awareness of the existence of a global problem is recent. It comes from movements of the last decade; its best known manifestation is #MeToo, and it is not very subtle.

Other discoveries, not so surprising, will emerge, and in environments other than videogames …

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