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IML Lebanon | negative balance strategy

At the time when the Syrian regime was at the height of its power, it was dealing with the Lebanese in general using the strategy of creating negative balances between their parties and their circles, and this policy represented the real threat to the free zones in Lebanon which they were under the control of the sovereign Lebanese forces facing them, starting with the Phalanges and then the forces “The Lebanese Front” and then the “Lebanese Forces”. the front that refuses his interventions in Lebanon has been targeting us for years.

He managed for the first time to make the most of an internal Christian force, present within the free zones, and thanks to it upset the military and political balance, which then allowed him to completely control Lebanon, isolating the state of the forces that persevered in his resistance and fight against him, and this led to his liquidation and arrest. All this happened because the Syrian regime realized the weakness inherent in Lebanese society in general and in Christian society in particular, and in the hearts of some small entrepreneurs who have ensured the gap through which the invaders and the greedy have always entered . In every epoch of the history of this people there has been a party, a current or a family which has played this role, has secured the breach, has made possible external interventions to achieve its objectives at the expense of this small country of the its territory, but the target thanks to its natural and productive capacities.

“Hezbollah” inherited the tactics of sedition from the Syrian regime and established good relations with Michel Aoun, eager for Christian leadership, exploited his authoritarian mentality to infiltrate the Christian environment, always reluctant to occupations and external interventions, dependence and alignment in axes backwards. And as whenever the foreigner could enter society, the joint gains between the invader and the client were assured. assumed Christian leadership and official representation on state councils.

And as the end of such short-sighted and selfish currents is inevitable through the results of their destructive actions for society and the public interest, the influence of Aoun’s movement has reached its point of extinction, as “Hezbollah” fears losing the balance it has achieved with the sovereign forces rejecting its policies in that arena, and “Hezbollah” fears “Going back to the situation that existed before Michel Aoun, when the left forces allied with the Syrian regime could not reach the balance with the forces of the Lebanese Front and the “Lebanese Forces”, so now it is going to the covert support of some new adventurers who are hungry to play political roles, regardless of their The effects of their negative actions, and thus these volatile personalities play the role of attacking the “Lebanese Forces” to present their balance cards which could convince “Hezbollah” to adopt them as an alternative to the situation Aounian, and these new cases adopt the distortive propaganda discourse previously used by the “Free Patriotic Movement” against the Lebanese Resistance represented by the “Lebanese Forces”.

The head of the ‘Free Patriotic Movement’, Gebran Bassil, is desperate to maintain his position in the service of ‘Hezbollah’, through his constant attempts to demonstrate his ability to strike a balance with the ‘Lebanese Forces’, which his uncle Michel Aoun had previously achieved Therefore, he is currently not facilitating the plans of “Hezbollah” for the Lebanese presidency, and in turn strikes the greedy new forces, and attacks the Christian forces that preceded him within the Syrian regime in the seventies of the century last.

The current ventures of some to strike a balance with the “Lebanese Forces” in favor of an alliance with “Hezbollah” will fail, as will previous attempts, but the question that now arises is the magnitude of the cost that will be paid to those moments The real goal of supporting the Michel Aoun phenomenon is to reach a balance with the “Lebanese Forces” and realize the public opinion that aimed to destroy the free state in this country???

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