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IMF Lowers Saudi Arabia’s GDP Growth Forecast for 2023 Due to Oil Production Cuts

The International ⁤Monetary Fund (IMF) has lowered its growth forecast ​for Saudi Arabia’s Gross Domestic ‍Product (GDP) for the year⁣ 2023 to 1.9‌ percent, in its⁢ latest report⁢ on the global economy released on ⁣Tuesday.⁣ This reflects the repercussions of the kingdom’s continued⁤ reduction ⁤in oil production.

The bank had previously projected a decline in Saudi Arabia’s GDP to⁤ 3.1 percent in its ⁣report⁣ issued in May, and to 2.1 ⁢percent⁢ in its June 2023 report.

In its report on Tuesday, the IMF‌ stated, ‍”The downward revision of expectations‍ for Saudi Arabia ⁤in 2023⁢ reflects ⁣the kingdom’s announcement of reducing ⁢its⁤ production in April and⁤ June ⁤in line with the OPEC+ alliance agreement… Meanwhile, private investment, ⁣including the implementation of a ‘giant project,’ continues to support strong ‍non-oil GDP growth.”

The⁤ Saudi‍ economy grew by ‌8.7 percent last year, boosted by rising oil prices, which increased revenues and led ⁤to the ⁣kingdom achieving its first budget surplus in nearly a decade.

However, global concerns about the⁣ overall ​economy and uncertain demand⁢ expectations have impacted oil prices, leading to a reduction in‍ growth forecasts.

Earlier ‌this month, Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest oil producer, announced that it‌ would extend⁤ the ⁢implementation of additional production cuts alongside the ​agreed-upon comprehensive cuts within the ‌OPEC+ alliance. The kingdom also raised prices ⁣for most of its crude​ oil types produced for ​Asian customers in August, marking the second ‌consecutive month of⁣ price increases.

The IMF stated that ⁣the higher-than-expected slowdown in Saudi ‌growth this year will also affect overall growth ⁤in the Middle East and Central Asia, which is expected⁤ to decline ‍to 2.5 percent in​ 2023, compared to 5.4 percent last year.

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2 thoughts on “IMF Lowers Saudi Arabia’s GDP Growth Forecast for 2023 Due to Oil Production Cuts”

  1. The IMF’s revised GDP growth forecast for Saudi Arabia is concerning news, indicating the impact of the country’s oil production cuts on its economy. Saudi Arabia may need to explore alternative strategies to mitigate the economic effects and diversify its revenue sources for sustained growth in the future.

  2. The IMF’s revised GDP growth forecast for Saudi Arabia in 2023, influenced by oil production cuts, highlights the potential challenges the country is facing in its economic recovery. It emphasizes the importance of diversification efforts and reducing dependence on oil for sustained growth.


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