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Imbroglio between the town hall of Draguignan and the Amici dei Gatti association

ABefore organizing this convention with 30 million friends, we had no financial problems.” Alain Manjeard, is the president, but above all a volunteer of the Friends of the Cats of Draguignan.

The association guarantees the sterilization of stray cats in the municipality. A competence that normally falls within the competence of the Municipality.

An expensive campaign, which justifies municipal subsidies, which the animal defense foundation has been carrying out for two years through this famous convention. But not everything went as planned.

“From the partnership with 30 million friends, we took the hit with a negative balance of 4,300 euros a year”.

A calculation that applies for the first two years (2020 and 2021), but which worsens in 2022: following a fraud between the Municipality and the national foundation, this year Amici dei Gatti was not paid anything.

A total absence of subsidies compensated by the generosity of donors: “Fortunately, we were able to mobilize our community, which allowed us to fill this gap.”continues Alain Manjeard. “Otherwise, the association would have been insolvent.”

A tragedy for an association that monitors 350 cats in the town and saves dozens of them every year.

An “attractive” promise.

How did we get here? There seems to have been a hiccup between the Municipality of Draguignan and 30 million friends.

“We signed the 30 million friends agreement for the year 2022, but we can’t reach them”complains, suspicious, Danielle Adoux-Copin, deputy mayor.

Contacted, indicates 30 million friends “having not received any transfer from the town hall of Draguignan under this agreement, despite reminders. Therefore, we cannot release the funds and pay the bills of the veterinarians called by the Dracénoise Amis des Draguignan cat association in the context of sterilizations”concludes the Foundation’s free chat service.

Still, we have to admit that the promise of this conference was beautiful. “Seductive”even, for Danielle Adoux-Copin.

Judge for yourself: for every sum paid by the municipality, 30 million friends added the same amount, which doubled the budget.

For 2020, having the Municipality disbursed 2,000 euros, a total of 4,000 euros were available for sterilization costs. In 2021 the Municipality puts 2,500 euros out of its pocket, the Amici del Gatto find themselves with 5,000 euros available.

Only that this system continues to be insufficient with respect to the needs of the territory. “It’s counterproductive”according to the volunteers of Dracénois. «With the agreement we had to send the veterinary bills to the 30 million friends Foundation, which reimbursed the doctors directly. A gas plant… Also, in 2020, some of my vets didn’t get paid because we exceeded the subsidy quotas. I had to pay the excess bills, this time without the help of the Municipality, with my own means”regrets the association.

Rebelote in 2021, with a particularity: “A total amount of €5,000 was available and only €4,780 was consumed. The local association can still use 220 euros for the sterilization of cats”report the free chat service of the 30 Million Friends Foundation.

Information that has not reached the ears of Friends of Cats, since they had to pay 4,300 euros again for this mission…

The Municipality wants to put its hands in the pocket for 2022

Audrey Schlauberg, a volunteer, regrets the old system, when the city paid a grant directly to the association to sterilize stray cats in the city. Know “From 2,000 to 2,500 euros per year depending on the year, which has allowed us to sterilize a large number of felines, with attractive prices made by the Dracénoise Jenna Noblet or the Souris Verte veterinary clinic”.

A complaint heard by the Municipality, given that in 2023 there will be no new agreement between the Municipality and 30 million Friends.

The town hall even announces that it wants to put its hand in its pocket to support the Amici dei Cats in the 2022 financial year: “We are planning an exceptional grant this year and another envelope for the year 2023“, assures Danielle Adoux-Copin without being able to specify the amounts. “The budget arbitrations are underway, we will know more in early December“.

I’m not sure, however, that the amount allocated will be up to the challenge of the proliferation of felines.

An unsterilized cat can generate more than 22,464 offspring in four years”, recalls Audrey Schlauberg of Draguignan’s Friends of Cats. “A number that makes your head spin, but which is easily explained: a female can have several litters a year, the heat period lasts seven months. And her offspring will be able to do the same in turn from the age of seven months. This makes the reproduction of cats exponential.

This is why animal welfare organizations strongly recommend that people neuter their cats, especially if they are outdoors.

Our deficits in this area clearly show that we are using up all the resources we have at our disposal. And even beyond. The help of the Municipality, whatever the recipient structure, is not sufficient given the extent of the problem », estimates Alain Manjeard, of the dracénoise association.

As a reminder: “A male is 35 euros; a female costs 60 euros to sterilize them and we sterilize hundreds of them a year”.

An already significant figure to which is added, for this association, the management of an animal shelter built on the heights of Draguignan, but also the rescue of cats in danger in the area.

A theme that the community must take on, a fortiori, given that the management of stray dogs is the responsibility of the municipality. A legal obligation. What 30 million friends remember.

It should not be forgotten that in terms of stray dogs, the Municipalities have responsibility and competence.“, remember the structure.”For cats in particular, the method in the past was to trap them and euthanize them. An inefficient method, since new cats have replaced the previous ones.

There was also the ethical issue of killing healthy animals. “The Foundation has proposed sterilizing these cats and reintegrating them into the area, a more effective method than euthanasia”says the Foundation’s free chat service. “Here the agreement was born that covered 100% of the costs of sterilizing cats, then, from 2018, 50%”.

The 30 million friends foundation believes that if municipalities want more efficiency in their area, the price must be paid.

As this is a legal obligation, it is up to the municipalities to take responsibility for funding local associations accordingly.“, indicates the Foundation.

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