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Images of 6-year-old girl arrested by police cause uproar in the United States

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Kaia Rolle was arrested for her violent behavior at school. Shocked, his family’s lawyer released the footage of his arrest.

Her story made headlines last September. Kaia Rolle, a 6-year-old girl, was arrested by Orlando police after punching and kicking staff at her school several times. Detained 12 kilometers from her school, she had been photographed like other criminals. His fingerprints were also taken.

The family’s lawyer released the footage of the arrest on Monday to the local press. Weeping young Kaia is seen being arrested and handcuffed before being dropped off in the back of a police vehicle parked outside the school. “No 6-year-old child should be able to say he was handcuffed and seated in the back of a police car to be placed in a youth detention center,” said Meralyn, grandmother of the child, at Metro UK.

Public apologies

The police officer visible in the video was fired last September. The charges against the girl were dropped and her criminal record cleared. “On behalf of the entire Orlando Police Department, I apologize to the child involved in this matter, as well as to his family. As a grandfather of three children up to the age of 11, I can only imagine how traumatic this experience was, “said the head of the police department on September 25 after the arrest.

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