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– I’m sorry, he said to the reindeer herding Sami

On Thursday, the Minister of Oil and Energy regretted the government’s handling of the Fosen case. – I’m sorry, said Terje Aasland. The protests continue nonetheless.

Sami Parliament President Silje Karine Muotka (NSR) in a meeting with the Minister of Energy.

Sami Parliament President Silje Karine Muotka (NSR) met on Thursday Oil and Energy Minister Terje Aasland (Ap) and Agriculture Minister Sandra Borch (Sp).

– The reindeer herders at Fosen have been in a demanding situation for a long time. I am sorry for that, said Aasland after the meeting on Thursday afternoon.

He believes that wind power and reindeer herding can take place at the same time. He nevertheless does not rule out any solutions to the matter. The demonstrators in Oslo, for their part, are demanding that the disputed wind turbines in the area be demolished.

Demonstrators tell Aftenposten that they will continue the protests.

Elina Waage Mikalsen, Åse Ava Lange Fredheim, Katarina Barruk followed the press conference from outside the ministry.

Elina Waage Mikalsen, Åse Ava Lange Fredheim, Katarina Barruk followed the press conference outside the Ministry of Oil and Energy together with the other protesters.

They are happy to finally receive an apology, and say it feels good that what the campaigners have done is paying off.

At the same time, they wonder what this really means.

– It feels in a way like a mouse’s step. What happens now? Will something actually happen?, says Barruk.
The women plan to participate in the commemoration which has been announced at the Storting tomorrow.

Barruk will also play at the planned support concert for the Fosensamene at Riksscenen.

It is too small a place and the interest is great. It’s going to be absolutely full.

Minister of Petroleum and Energy Terje Aasland and Minister of Agriculture and Food Sandra Borch met the President of the Sámi Parliament Silje Karine Muotka in the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy. The topic of the meeting was the follow-up of the Fosen case.

Promised swift action

Aasland admitted that the current situation is contrary to the rights of indigenous people.

– We must follow up the Supreme Court’s judgment so that the interests of reindeer husbandry are safeguarded, said Aasland.

He also promised that some measures would come quickly. He says he has asked for input on it from the reindeer husbandry Sami.

He said that the parties agree that a knowledge gathering must be carried out during March.

– Human rights must be followed, he said.

Agriculture Minister Sandra Borch also criticized herself on behalf of the government for taking too long.

– Crucial

Sami Parliament President Silje Karine Muotka believes it was an “important meeting”. She said it was crucial that she received an admission that the case is a violation of human rights.

– It is important that we have a common perception that we are dealing with a violation of human rights, she said.

She said that the parties have started a discussion, but indicated that much remains to be done.

– We have a common understanding that this matter requires political will, Muotka said, adding that she “looks forward to further work”.

– To be honest, I think we will continue to strive, she admitted.

She said that energy production is indeed important.

– But we cannot compromise on human rights, she said.

– Long flat

On the way into the meeting, Sámi Parliament President Silje Karine Muotka said that it was important to get a proper apology from the minister. She got that to her advantage.

– I don’t know how many times the minister used the word sorry. I have never seen a politician lie down so flat, said Inge Even Danielsen, who is the leader of the Norwegian Reindriftsamers National Association to Adresseavisen.

For over a week, campaigners from the Norwegian Samirs Riksforbund Nuorat and Natur og Ungdom have been demonstrating against the wind turbines at Fosen.

Oil and Energy Minister Terje Aasland (Ap) does not rule out any measures in the controversial Fosen case.

The meeting was held in the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy. Muotka had promised the activists that she would use the main entrance, which they have blocked for the past few days, when she was going to the meeting.

Sami Parliament President Silje Karine Muotka (NSR) to a meeting with the Minister of Energy.

– Today I am concerned that we get to a point where we must be able to describe to society how we are going to move forward. A minimum requirement is that they must acknowledge that a mistake has occurred and apologize for it, she said before the meeting.

Aasland said at the press conference on Thursday that reindeer husbandry is an important part of Norway.

– Fully respecting Sami culture is quite important, he said of the work to protect the rights of indigenous people.

– It is valuable to create mutual respect and understanding, he said.

Do you want to understand the Fosen conflict better?

This is how the turbines affect reindeer husbandry:

– It was the best winter pasture we had. Now we have no untouched pastures left.

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