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I’m not jealous of my husband’s success… and I’m afraid they will envy us!

She reappeared in recent days after a long time, to support her husband, the artist Ahmed Khaled Saleh, who is participating in his film “19 B” at the Cairo International Film Festival, denying all the rumors that have been circulating for a long time about the their divorce and other disturbing details for them. She is the artist, Hanadi Muhanna, looking forward to the presentation of 3 of her works.

In her interview with Al-Arabiya.net, on the sidelines of the festival, she confirmed that she is trying to reach out to the world and that she is fluent in many languages ​​which helps her in this, but at the same time she considers it a provision from God.

Actress Hanadi Muhanna

* Were you in Cairo International Film Festival to stay with your husband?

** Of course, Ahmed is participating in the film “19 B”, which is screened in the official competition of the Cairo International Film Festival, and my role is to support him and stay with him as his wife. I hope he always achieves great success and I will be happy with every success he achieves. When he is offered a job, I am happier and more enthusiastic about him, and I dismiss what is said to be jealousy towards Ahmed’s success, as there is no room for competition between us. But I hope he succeeds more than me and I will be very happy and enthusiastic to support him as if the role were mine, or as if I were participating in his championship and not him.

* Have many rumors spread about a divorce between you?

**It became a lot of fun for me, since I’m most of the time with my husband, or they are busy filming. In fact, I say it’s better for them to be busy talking and their imaginations running wild that we disagree, than to envy us for where we are.

Hanadi Muhanna and her husband, artist Ahmed Khaled Saleh

Hanadi Muhanna and her husband, artist Ahmed Khaled Saleh

* With your presence at the Cairo International Film Festival, don’t you want to reach out to the world like so many young actors?

* Of course, there is no actor who does not want to achieve universality, as it is an arrangement of Almighty God, and if I do what is required of me, I participate in many personal rehearsals in case there are strong technical experiences that I encourage them to do so. And if you write to me, it will happen, God willing. Besides my acting skills, I have two cultures, as one half is from Egypt and the other from France. This makes me understand the differences between the two cultures and the way they work, and the state of openness in Europe and the way they work. I speak 3 languages ​​fluently, French, Spanish and English.

* A large number of artists and directors refuse to see their work. Do you see the work you submit?

** Of course, I watch all my works to learn from the mistakes I make and try to avoid them in the next works, and not repeat them again, for example, that I speak very fast, so I have taken trainings and other things that help me develop my performance.

What do you think of team tournaments?

** I prefer very group experiences, especially if you have the opportunity to participate with talented actors, as this increases the chances of success and adds a lot for me, and I think that I am currently not thinking about absolute heroism, because I am trying to take advantage of the experiences of representatives of my generation who rushed and strove for absolute heroism and did not achieve the desired success.

Actress Hanadi Muhanna

Actress Hanadi Muhanna

* You have many works you are waiting to show, including the movie “Eid Night”.. Tell us about it

** One of the cinematographic works that is very important to me, and I look forward to its presentation, as I present a popular character who is completely different from me, and I present him for the first time in his form, and in all his details, too the way he talks. Therefore, I am excited to show it in cinema, as it presents many women’s issues in a dramatic picture, through the suffering of several women living on an island, and women are exposed to many problems and crises because some men do not understand their rights .

I am also happy with this work and excited for my participation with a large group of stars in this work, including the artist Yousra, who I have participated with before, because I love her very much and love working with her and it is a great honor for me to be with her in a work of art.

Actress Hanadi Muhanna

Actress Hanadi Muhanna

* You too participate in the “Seeb and I leave” series.. right?

** I participate in it, but not as one of the heroes, but I appeared in its events as a guest of honor, where I embody the role of Ahmed Al-Saadani’s sister, who appears as Hana Al-Zahid’s husband. The series takes place in a social and comedic context, and is shown through the “Shahid Vip” platform, and the events unfold in just 10 episodes.

And the “Golden Egg” series?

** We finished shooting a long time ago, and we are also waiting for it to be shown on one of the digital platforms, as the play is only 13 episodes, and I was attracted by the idea that the whole play depends on the youthful heroism, as Islam Ibrahim, Muhammad Jumaa, Salah Abdullah and Nancy, Salah, Sami Maghawry, Ahmed El-Bassa and many other artists participate with me. The work is the brainchild of Ibrahim’s Islam, supervised by Amin Jamal, and written by Muhammad Abu Al-Saad, Walid Abu Al-Majd and Ibrahim Rabie. Its events take place in a comic setting, and deals with the idea of ​​talent that distinguishes one person from others.

* What is the difference between participating in the 10 episode work and the 30 episode work?

** There is no big difference between the two works, the most important thing is that the successful elements are available, but in general, the 10-episode series is characterized by more escalation of events.

* In “Maktoub Alia” series scenes, we saw you assisting director Khaled Al-Halafawi at times.. and teaching models some performances.. Are you planning to direct?

** Personally, I always like to learn new things, especially matters related to the profession, and I want to learn editing and directing. As for the performances, of course I hope to present them in a work of art, but they have to be done in a distinctive and new way, and in general I love any role that contains work and effort.

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