Home » today » News » I’m not happy to pick up Cultural Affairs Director Lan!Jiang Wanan “I’ll help you carry him” Cai Shiping: My wife cried all night and decided to let me go

I’m not happy to pick up Cultural Affairs Director Lan!Jiang Wanan “I’ll help you carry him” Cai Shiping: My wife cried all night and decided to let me go

Reporter Chen Yijie / Taipei Report

I’m not happy to pick up Director of Cultural Affairs Lan! Jiang Wan’an “I’ll help you carry it” Cai Shiping: My wife cried all night and she decided to let me go. (Photo/Supplied by “POP Crash News”)

Taipei mayor-elect Jiang Wanan recruited a media worker, Cai Shiping, as the head of the cultural bureau. However, Cai Shiping has criticized the blue field’s remarks in the past, which aroused dissatisfaction with Deep Blue, and called Cai “blue skin and green bones”. Cai Shiping said today (21) that his first response to the consultation was “no”, but Jiang Wan’an said that if Cai is willing to take over, “I will help you with this. No problem, let’s work together .” However, his wife Lin Shuwei and his daughter could not understand at first, and his wife cried all night before deciding to let him have it.

This morning Cai Shiping accepted an exclusive interview with Huang Weihan, a media worker of “POP Hit the News”. Speaking about the reasons for taking over the position of Taipei City Culture Bureau, Cai Shiping said that Jiang Wanan did not discuss personnel affairs with him before the election. “, he thought was just asking for advice. Two days later, people from Jiang Wanan’s team contacted Cai Shiping to ask if he was interested in serving at the Municipal Cultural Bureau. This was the first time he heard the news .

Cai Shiping revealed that her first reaction was “I am too old”, and the second thought that if Jiang Wanan wanted to use it, maybe the people inside the Kuomintang would not be too happy. You also explained this to Jiang Wanan. Wanan replied, “Don’t worry, I’ll carry it for you. If you’re willing to come, I’ll carry it for you. It’s not a problem. We work hard together.”

Cai Shiping pointed out that his wife Lin Shuwei initially opposed him as director of the cultural bureau. Lin was very sad that she would be attacked by others and all of her privacy would be exposed. Lin lei also warned him not to tell bad jokes, which can be taken out of context. Cai Shiping said he said at the time that if his wife insisted on not going, he would not go and there was no need to make the family boring. Cai Shiping revealed that Lin Shuwei cried all night, but finally Lin remembered that if his father was still there, he would definitely say “good job, you can go, son-in-law can go”, so he decided to let him take Above.

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