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“I’m not completely recovered”: former candidate of “Koh-Lanta”, Steeve evokes the consequences of his participation in the adventure game

An adventure that has left its mark on Steeve.

Steeve is a former “Koh-Lanta” finalist. A little over a year and a half ago, he participated in the program “Koh-Lanta: the war of the chiefs”. But this trying adventure has left its mark, as Steeve explained in Nice Matin. For the newspaper, the Niçois evoked the consequences of his participation in the adventure game of TF1. ” Yes
don’t want to spit in the soup. ‘Koh-Lanta’ remained in me, engraved as a unique adventure. Except that you come back with a lot of physiological and psychological consequences Begins the social worker. He explains that hunger was particularly persistent and difficult to manage: ” We spent eleven days without eating at the start. Some believe that we are given Mars or Fanta outside the camera. It is not true! Me, I felt unwell before a game, I asked for a sugar: nothing at all, they lengthened me half an hour and I did the obstacle course! In 43 days, I lost a lot of weight, 22 kilos, it was brutal… After you have digestion problems, muscle problems ».

Although accustomed to the extreme conditions as he had visited Haiti shortly after the earthquake in 2010, Steeve struggled to readjust to ‘normal’ life. ” I came back completely offbeat. In ‘Koh-Lanta’, you have no light, no human contact except with your fellow adventurers And the nights are long. You tell yourself it’s entertainment, on TV but the conditions are extreme. Spectators see little of what we are actually experiencing. Three days later, I was at work. I was territory manager but I was not able to lead a team, I was HS. Suddenly, I swapped my place with that of my assistant. (…) I had a hard time reconnecting with my family, my loved ones, so imagine managing a team! “Explains the 47 year old man in Nice Matin.

Fame was also difficult to grasp: ” The frenzy of TV, its power, it’s amazing. Before ‘Koh-Lanta’, I was not on social media at all. When you are selected for the show, we advise you to open a Facebook and Instagram account. In a row, you have 15,000, 20,000 people who follow you, write to you and ask you questions every day. (…) At first, I tried to answer everyone but I couldn’t stand this semblance of notoriety. […] I’m not a star, I don’t even know how to play the guitar! ” Unlike other adventurers, Steeve would not feel ready to retry the adventure. ” Refusing a ‘Koh-Lanta’ is difficult when you know how many people dream of it, but I don’t feel ready. I am too fragile. I haven’t fully recovered a year later“Concludes the former adventurer.

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