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“I’m done hiding” – Corriere.it

from Federica Bandirali

The 56-year-old former model confesses to People magazine and talks about aesthetic medicine that has left her “brutally deformed and disfigured”. “I can no longer live like this, being ashamed”

In the 1990s she was one of the most photographed women in the world. But now, for almost five years, the former supermodel cute evangelist lives in isolation. After five years in “self-enclosure” she decided to talk, to explain what led her to distance herself from everything and everyone, sharing her story about her, “her nightmare”, through an exclusive interview to the weekly “People”. In Evangelista magazine, 56, he talks about the emotional and physical pain in which he lives. What happened? She underwent seven coolsculpting sessions (cryolipolysis) – a non-surgical and non-invasive treatment, which helps to reduce localized fat accumulations by using cold – which left it “permanently deformed” and “brutally disfigured”. Hence the abyss. The model started a lawsuit in September 2021, suing the coolculpting company, Zeltiq Aesthetics Inc., from which he claims $ 50 million in damages, claiming that he was no longer able to work after the treatment sessions in question that took place in the study of a dermatologist from August 2015 to February 2016.

The tears

«I loved being the center of attention, as I was when I was parading. Now I’m afraid of running into someone I know her – she confesses to the magazine in tears -. I can no longer live like this, hiding and being ashamed. I simply can no longer live closed in this pain ». Three months after the treatment sessions, Linda Evangelista began to notice lumps on her chin, thighs and bra area – the same areas she would have liked to shrink with cryolipolysis and instead they were becoming hard and numb. “I tried to figure out for myself what was happening because I thought I was doing something wrong – says Evangelista, who remembers how he decided to start a diet and increase physical training -. But nothing changed, indeed. Everything was getting worse ». So much so as to push her, in 2016, to contact her trusted doctor that she communicated her diagnosis: adipose hyperplasia paradossaa rare side effect (“affects about 1% of those undergoing this treatment”) that increases the volume of fat cells in the body parts treated instead of decreasing it.

The liposuction

Evangelista claims that when her doctor contacted the aesthetic company that gave her the treatment and told what had happened, the company “offered to fix things” by paying for her liposuction with a surgeon of their choice, a specialist in the field. of the damage from paradoxical adipose hyperplasia. But it seems that Zeltiq would have asked her to sign a confidentiality agreement in order to solve the problems with liposuction. Which she refused. And so she paid for the liposuction herself: two all over her body. The first made in June 2016 and the second in July 2017.

“I always knew I would get old”

“Anyway it wasn’t better, the bulges were still there. My posture was also affected because I can no longer rest my arms at my sides, ”he tells the magazine. Result: “I no longer looked at myself in the mirror”he stressed. Today Linda tries to take back her life, regaining her self-confidence. “Why do we feel the need to do these things to our bodies? I always knew I would get old “. Now she doesn’t recognize herself physically. It is as if he feels he is another person. Not the one who walked the catwalks and was the star of many covers. “The Linda Evangelista supermodel has almost disappeared”, she reflects disconsolately, trying to overcome her fears to face the future she has ahead of her in the best possible way.


February 16, 2022 (change February 16, 2022 | 16:41)

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