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I’m an education expert – how to help your child if they’re starting to excel in school and what to do if they don’t

It can be an exciting time for parents if their child is starting to excel at something in school – and it’s often a sign of what career they could pursue.

But what can you do as a mom or dad to help your child develop if he shows an affinity for a certain subject?


Richard Evans, founder of tuition agency The Profs, explained the signs to look out for and how to encourage your child’s development in this area.

Language skills

While most children are able to speak in recognizable sentences by the age of three, your child may show that they are excelling beyond their language years “if their communication skills seem advanced or sophisticated.”

“They’re likely to pick up new vocabulary quickly and incorporate it into their speech,” Richard said.

“In addition to that, they may find it easy to follow multi-step instructions such as, ‘Please go to your room, take the yellow dress, put it in the laundry basket in the laundry room, so that I can wash it for you. tomorrow.’ »

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And when they’re older, children who excel in language are likely to be able to participate in more adult conversations because they can “pick up the double meanings and hidden nuances of speech.”

“They speak in longer, more advanced sentences and ask questions while waiting for explanations or in-depth reasoning,” he said.

To promote your child’s language development, it is good that he reads as much as possible.

“Reading is a great activity for children to develop their grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation if they read aloud,” he added.

learning abilities

“Everyone is born with a desire to experience the world around them,” continued Richard.

But if your child excels in their learning abilities, “their difference lies in their ability to acquire knowledge and discover new environments quickly and effortlessly”.

Chances are they wouldn’t need a lot of direction or instruction when faced with a new challenge.

They may also have an “unusual ability to concentrate on activities for long periods of time.”

“Learning will be fun for these people, they will find interest in grasping new concepts, teaching themselves technical games and mastering new hobbies,” he said.

And to help encourage an already active learner, Richard suggests giving them “the control to investigate what interests them in a way that suits them”.

“It is essential for their continued development to allow them to flourish and contribute to their education,” he explained.

Emotional traits

“Emotional intelligence is just as important as academic intelligence,” Richard said.

“As your child grows, emotional intelligence can support healthy relationships, good mental health, and a positive attitude toward education or future jobs. »

An emotionally intelligent child will be able to identify their emotions in certain situations, such as being able to say, “I feel sad when Mom works late.”

“They’re incredibly empathetic, which means they can relate to the emotions of other kids their age, older kids, and even adults,” Richard added.

“They will have an appreciation for nature and enjoy time alone to daydream, observe or simply analyze.

“With the ability to pick up on the emotions of others, these children become natural leaders who are charismatic and can help others explore new directions. »

To encourage a child who is emotionally intelligent, “allow him to take responsibility for his actions sooner than you otherwise would.”

“Talk about decisions with your child and consider how their response might impact others and their feelings,” Richard suggested.

“This process will help your child develop even more emotional regulation and self-awareness. »

Behavioral traits

Sometimes a child who excels beyond their years in a particular interest can show it through negative behavior.

“They might get bored if they are given the same tasks as their peers because of their under-stimulation,” Richard said.

“If they are progressing in a very obvious or distinct way, for example with advanced vocabulary, they might not feel safe about it when communicating with their peers, or even be misunderstood by them. »

They may also have an “intense sensitivity to criticism” or “feel overwhelmed in crowded environments because it’s too stimulating for them.”

“Finally, if your child excels beyond their years, they could create unrealistic expectations, leading to perfectionism,” continued Richard.

“They may feel like no matter how hard they try, they can never succeed or be enough. »

To help a child in this situation, it is best to “tune in to your child’s feelings and really try to understand the motivations behind their actions.”

“Make sure your child has a diverse social group and the opportunity to interact with like-minded children who share the same interests and those who have other passions and skills,” he said.

“Celebrate their accomplishments regularly, offer new challenges and remember that they are still children who can make mistakes. »

Hidden Gifts

Some children have hidden talents that “cannot be measured on simple paper-and-pencil tests”.

“Perhaps your child is a gifted artist, a talker, a problem solver, or a leader,” Richard said.

“Their daily actions can tell you a lot about their unique gifts, strengths and limitations.

“If your child has a special interest, engage them in extracurricular activities where they can do more of what they love and meet like-minded people.

“If your child engages in more adult conversations or wants to raise their skills, consider finding a tutor and search by subject and level. »

If you’re struggling to identify your child’s gifts, you can try an online Skills Builder test, “which identifies the 8 key employability skills that all children should learn first in schools.”

Richard gave the example that if a child displays traits of being ‘practical’, ‘creative’ and ‘perfectionist’, these are skills strongly associated with successful leaders.

So, to encourage what might be a hidden talent, you might want to ask your child to help cook dinner or bake a cake with them.

He added: “It should be a fun process. Release the pressure to ‘find their talent’ and be sure to listen to them and compassionately support them in their pursuits.

“With patience and encouragement, combined with new opportunities and an enriched background, your child’s hidden gifts will naturally be unlocked and they will be motivated to pursue their interests. »

If your child shows practical, creative and perfectionist traits, he may be pursuing a career as a chef – which you could encourage by cooking with him.


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