Home » today » Entertainment » Ilona Csáková has to defend her opinions not only against fans, her husband also doesn’t understand her!

Ilona Csáková has to defend her opinions not only against fans, her husband also doesn’t understand her!

In recent months, Ilona Csáková has become a self-proclaimed human rights activist. The singer often shares misleading information about the pandemic and covid on her social networks, but her husband is not enthusiastic about this activity at all.

On her Facebook and Instagram, Ilona Csáková regularly comments on the events surrounding the pandemic and puts herself in the position of a fighter against government measures.

“Facebook always asks me when I want to tell you something that’s going through my head. So I’ll tell it to me, Facebook. I won’t let skewers poke my head in the area of ​​testing, because those who order it follow Bill’s script. Gates and the WHO, and secondly, no one will rip into me or my children any vaccine, which on the contrary is counterproductive, “the singer wrote, for example.

Csáková also strongly opposed testing children in schools. Personally, in the case of my children, I definitely do not agree to this. Is it a small thing that they have to “choke” in veils that have a demonstrably negative impact on their health and psyche ?! I brought two children into this world, but certainly not for anyone to sacrifice. We will not allow you to abuse our children for your experiments, “the star did not take napkins. However, she received a number of critics for her opinions.

Ilona Csáková is losing fans thanks to her statements

Another of Ilona Csáková’s statements, which lifted the public from their chairs, concerned the alleged “dusting” of coronavirus by transport companies.

“Do you also think they’re dusting us? So maybe we’ll find out in a few days by the increase in positives.” Otherwise Aeronet isn’t the first to publish it, a note for trolls. “

Petr Janda then responded, calling his colleague an idiot. “I’m terrified of how some people, including Ilona Csáková, behave like idiots. I can’t explain it. Is it because they didn’t inherit empathy? I don’t even understand MPs Lubomír Volný or Václav Klaus the Elder. Do they want to be visible? , “the singer leaned into Csáková. The star has encountered many hateful comments about himself, precisely because of the denial of the covid.

Csáková is also discouraged from spreading topics about covid by her husband

Regular sharing of pandemic-related topics is according to the newspaper Express.cz does not like her husband Ilona Csáková, Radek Voneš. He does not support his wife’s activities and even this should be the reason for the partners’ quarrels.

“Radek is not very enthusiastic about her anti-antidote activity. He mainly doesn’t like the way because he realizes that his wife is losing credit in front of her fans, and besides, some of her comments don’t have much understanding even with their friends. So they’d rather she did not comment on the epidemic at all, which Ilona is also very unhappy about, “a source from the famous couple told the mentioned website.

The singer has not yet commented on the veracity of the information.

Ilona Csáková switched from singing to the role of a human rights activist.

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Source: Youtube

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