Fernando Carmona was born in 1983 in Mendoza. He illustrated several children’s books such as The river rose y You know?; His works appeared in different exhibitions in Argentina and he is part of the Association of Cartoonists of Argentina.
Agustín Pizarro Maire He was born in Buenos Aires in 1988. He is a graphic designer, lyricist and illustrator. Since 2020 he has been a partner and art director of the studio YaniGuille&Co. . . . founded by Yanina Arabena and Guillermo Vizzari.
Sebastian Dufour He was born in Buenos Aires in 1971. He is an illustrator and plastic artist specialized in broadcast media. His works appeared in the newspapers The nation y Profile. He makes caricatures and artistic illustrations with various acrylic techniques that are later digitized.
Emiliano Renzi was born in Casilda, Spain. He is a graphic designer and illustrator. He did work for Quilmes, Monoblock, Primmo and the cover art for the new books by Sherlock Holmes: The Hound of the Baskervilles y Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet.
2023-11-03 12:46:42
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