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Illustrated, new, meaningful Friday messages and words … (Good Friday)

Have a Holly Friday. May your day be materially and spiritually bright, and your heart will be pleasant. Always be away from you, whatever negativities there will cause you to grief and sadness. May Allah amaze our end. May those who have reached salvation.

They believe in GOD and the Last Day, command goodness, forbid evil, and compete in goodness. These are the good ones. (Al-i İmran Suresi 3/114) # Good Luck Friday

“The most virtuous of your days is Friday. For this reason, bring me a lot of salvation on that day; for your salute greetings are presented to me. ”

No one knows the gospel and happiness hidden for him (Prophet S. 17th verse) May all of us gospel of my Lord be good. Have a nice Friday.

Not the ones who have the best of everything, but those who enjoy what they have is happy. Have a nice Friday.

My God; “Goodness” for those who are on the road “Bon appetite” for those who are sick “Fortitude” for those who are on the narrow. Nasip Eyle .. Good Friday.

I will not enter heaven without receiving my ummah who loves me. ‘ I wish you a good Friday with the prayer to be able to give the right to be the Ummah of your beloved (SAW). Have a nice Friday…

My Lord, am I to meet you with hearts full of love and meet you with our loved ones in eternity, amen. Have a nice Friday. (8)

The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: “Take care of the poor. Thanks to the weak amongst you, you have no doubt that you are getting help from Allah and being surrendered. ” (Abu Dawud, Jihad 70)

In the name of Allah, the Merciful and Forgiving, “All kinds of praise and praise are for Allah, who has sent down the Book to His servant and made no mistake in him.” (Kehf, 18/1) Wishing your prayers to be accepted.

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