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Illness, Medicine / Health | Sweden removes several corona rules

The infection is on its way down in Sweden, and from Thursday onwards, bars and restaurants can stay open for as long as before.

At the same time, it will be allowed to sit eight people at each table, not four as today.

The recommendation for bandages in public transport during rush hour is removed, as is the recommendation to go alone in the shop, while the advice to keep your distance remains.

At private gatherings, up to 50 people are now allowed, and the invitation to only meet their loved ones is removed.

In addition, up to 300 people can participate in events indoors and as many as 3,000 outdoors.

More normal life

The good news was presented at a press conference on Monday.

– In Sweden, the spread of infection has decreased steadily since the beginning of May, said Minister of Social Affairs Lena Hallengren and announced a slightly more normal life from Thursday.

55 people are hospitalized, while 57 percent of the population has received at least one vaccine dose. Every third Swede is fully vaccinated.

The restrictions to be removed this week are part of step 2 of the government’s reopening plan.

– Not over

However, the Director General of the Public Health Agency, Johan Carlson, emphasizes that the pandemic is not over, and that it is still important to be careful.

– You should keep your distance, wash your hands, do not meet anyone if you have symptoms, and you should first and foremost meet outdoors, Carlson said.

During the summer, the government expects to move on to step 3 of the five-step plan, and by the autumn, even more restrictions will probably be scrapped.


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