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Illness, criticism and the warrior spirit: a year without Nadia Toffa

In February of last year, seven months before her disappearance, Nadia Toffa’s body was a battlefield: chemo, medicines, constant checks. But when he welcomed us in a Milanese loft for what it would become one of the latest interviews released by the hostess of the Hyenas, Nadia had a light of her own, that light that belongs only to children. Very few references to pain, indeed. She proudly showed the tufts of hair that were growing back, talked about projects and confided: “My fear? May my mother be alone. ‘ That’s why when, on August 13, the news of his death at the age of 40 arrived, that day did not seem like a surrender but rather the last – very painful – twist of a woman who amazed, disgraced, always surprised.

The story on social media

Starting with the story of himself: on social networks, especially on Instagram, he kept a detailed diary of the disease, the ups and downs, hospitalizations and achievements. A detailed account (e discussed) of which he claimed the legitimacy: «I claim the right to speak openly about our illness, which is neither exhibitionism nor a belief in oneself invincible, on the contrary: it is a right to feel human. Even fragile, but strong in reacting », he confided to Courier service, bypassing the comments of those who accused her now of exhibitionism of pain, now of superficiality in discussing diseases. Nadia was convinced that in Italy only two ways of speaking about one’s illness were “allowed”: either by putting oneself in the victim’s shoes or by keeping silent out of fake modesty.

The right to speak about the disease

She had chosen a third way, almost a “reportage”. Animated by his “warrior spirit”, as he called it, because to move her from Brescia and an adolescence marked by long training in the artistic gymnastics gym of Enrico Casella (the one that also attended Vanessa Ferrari, gold medal at the World Championships) that instinct to overcome oneself, to go beyond limits and fences. Always in the balance, Nadia, always looking for the risk and then running away from it. She confided that in Las Vegas she had experienced the thrill of gambling and fled in fear.

Le Iene Show, special reunion: one hundred «Iene» to remember Nadia Toffa
100 hyenas for Nadia
Work at the “Iene”

He told us about the most discussed services carried out for the hyenas (from environmental investigations near the Ilva in Taranto or the Terra dei Fuochi to the anorexic girls) up to the complaint against a hater on social media (“Yes, but I haven’t I did it for me. I did it because these gestures can deeply hurt someone more fragile than me. I think of the kids who feel bullied, the little girls who can suffer in ways that we don’t even imagine for an insult on Facebook “). And finally his favorite icon-emoticon, that kind of comet that rotates on itself: “I am like that – he said – I turn, turn, turn like a top and I never stop”.

11 August 2020 (change 11 August 2020 | 16:14)


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