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Illiers the Bishop does not want to stop growing

Victory over Grèges in the 4th round, the flag team of Illiers l’Évêque failed to reach a historic 6th round for the club. © FCIE

Last Sunday, Illiers-l’Eveque took on club CO Cléon (R2) at a real rural football party.

“It will be an opportunity to see many fans on the sidelines of the field”, tastes, before a few days before this duel, the young local president, Vianney Lenud.

“For the first time in the history of the club, our seniors and our Under 18 played respectively at home a 5th round of the Coupe de France and a 3rd round of the Coupe Gambardella, in just one weekend! ”

Vianney Lenud, President of Illiers l’Évêque

A record number of licensees

Not bad for a municipality with less than 1,000 inhabitants. And above all for a club of considerable dynamism, which has grown well since its creation in 1979.

Created in 1979, the Illiers l'Évêque club immediately fell in love with the Coupe de France, as evidenced by this photo of its fans in 1980.
Created in 1979, the Illiers l’Évêque club immediately fell in love with the Coupe de France, as shown by this photo of its first fans in 1980. © FCIE

Illiers now has more than 200 licensees, after its merger with the municipalities of Croth-Marcilly, Garennes and Saint-André de l’Eure which gave rise to the acronym ACMIE (for Andrésienne Croth Marcilly Illiers l’Évêque).

“It’s a wonderful record. Since its creation in 1979, the Football Club of Illiers l’Évêque had never had so many players within its association. The club continues to grow. ”

Vianney Lenud is therefore a satisfied president, just like his vice president Massimo Vacherand quality coaches like Girolamo Legros, Jeremy and Guillaume Tetardthe main coach, all well known in the world of European football and Eure-et-Loir.

Because Illiers l’Évêque, for those unfamiliar with the country, is as close to Dreux (28) as it is to Saint-André or Ézy-sur-Eure. But the club claims its attachment to the department and has even been part of the Évreux agglomeration since 2018.

Video: currently on Actu
Vianney Lenud took over from Daniel Lançon (right) at the helm of the Eurois club last season.
Vianney Lenud took over from Daniel Lançon (right) at the helm of the Eurois club last season. © FCIE

A complete club

“Our recruiting area covers the whole south of the Eure, but also the Drouais”, agrees Vianney Lenud, happy to be able to announce that “all age groups are represented at the club. We also have a women’s team, a veteran, two senior teams (R3 and a P3), a great U18 team engaged in Regional 3 and two referees attached to the club. “

After last season’s podium for the FCIE pennant team, then a Eure cup and a promotion to R3 for the U18 ACMIE, Illiers l’Évêque is now looking forward to only one thing: experiencing new strong emotions.

First with his young U18s who received those fromEvreux 27 FC (R1) Saturday 8 October 2022, on their land in rue Beauniez, awaiting the delivery of a new stadium, currently under construction, in the municipality of Mesnil-sur-l’Estrée.

“We are 1-0 ahead but unfortunately one of our young players was sent off behind. Évreux draws and in the end beats us (1-2). But it was a real game. ”

The next day, at the same time and in the same place, the reception of Cleonon behalf of a 5And already historic round of the Coupe de France, which also resulted in the elimination of the premises (1-3).

“We were down 0-1 before the draw Lamina Diop (1-1) and push hard to the end. But we take a goal in presence and, wanting to equalize again, we concede the 3rd goal in recovery time.And historic turning point for us this season! “

Illiers believed in it after Johnson Mateus scored.
Illiers believed in it after Johnson Mateus scored. © FCIE

We bet it’s just a postponement.

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