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Illegal gambling: Another use in Linz

Only a few days after a focus action against illegal gambling in Upper Austria with 121 confiscated devices, the financial police had to move out again. This was announced by the Ministry of Finance.

Station of the operation was a bar in Linz, in which ten machines had last been seized. Four days later, police caught the driver of a van trying to deliver six new machines to the restaurant. An attorney’s pretext that the driver delivered vending machines turned out to be false. After the opening of the restaurant, the officials found six automatic reel machines. They also discovered a smoke machine that could spray liquids and gases through a wall breakthrough to make controls more difficult.

In view of the increasing number of incidents, Finance Minister Gernot Blümel wants to tighten controls. “The controls by the financial police will continue until the operators realize that illegal gambling is not worthwhile,” said Blümel. If it is necessary, operators will “take their illegal devices away from them week after week”.

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