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Illegal According to Islamic Law


Central Manager (PP) Muhammadiyah also responded to the viral issue of interfaith marriages in Semarang. Muhammadiyah asserts that interfaith marriages are not legal according to Islamic law and the constitution (UU).

“Interfaith marriages are not legal according to Islamic law and law,” said General Secretary of PP Muhammadiyah Abdul Mu’ti to reporters, Wednesday (9/3/2022).

Abdul said the majority of ulemas are of the opinion that interfaith marriages are invalid. He appealed to Muslims to make religion the main basis in choosing a partner.

“Debates occur regarding Muslim marriages with women of the people of the book. However, it is agreed that Muslim women should not marry non-Muslim men,” Abdul added.

“In choosing a partner, it is prioritized to consider religion as the main basis,” he added.

Separately, the chairman of PP Muhammadiyah, Dadang Kahmad, agrees with Abdul Mu’ti. Dadang reminded that there should not be any obstacles in the interaction between husband and wife.

“Muhammadiyah prohibits interfaith marriages. There should not be any obstacles in the interaction between husband and wife,” said Dadang.

Dadang also appealed to Muslims in Indonesia to find a partner who shares their religion. He believes that Muslims in the country can certainly get a life partner of the same religion because Indonesia is a Muslim majority population.

“To the younger generation, nothing is as religious just In the past, there were many Muslim men and Muslim women. Indonesia is 87% Muslim. Cook, no one was chosen,” said Dadang.

Viral Interfaith Marriage

It is known, a video showing several pictures of the bride and groom has gone viral. The couple came to attention as the bride was seen wearing a hijab and white dress at the church.

The bride and groom were also seen taking pictures with the priest and several families. It is said that the marriage took place in Semarang, Central Java.

Deputy Minister of Religion Zainut Tauhid Sa’adi said the viral interfaith marriage was not recorded at the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA).

“The incident of interfaith marriage which went viral on social media was not recorded at the Office of Religious Affairs or KUA,” said Zainut in a written statement, Wednesday (9/3/2022).

Also check out ‘Ministry of Religion Solo Opens Matchmaking Bureau Program for Solo Residents’:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]


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