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“I’ll quit the day I haven’t laughed”

Joachim Schreiner, Head of Salesforce Germany, on opportunities in a crisis, having fun at work and the possibilities of current technology.

Small talk, the slightly different interview: com! professional asks business leaders and IT executives – and not only about strictly professional experience, but also about aspects of a more personal nature and private preferences.

com! professional: For us as a company, the past year and a half have been …

Joachim Schreiner: … a very intense time in which we saw that our employees were from
can be successful anywhere – no matter where we work from. We have also enabled other companies to continue to be successful through our platform.

com! professional: The crisis is also a great opportunity …

Schreiner: … because she pushed work from everywhere. This gives companies like us more access to talent who were previously out of the question because of their place of residence. And the need for continuous further development – keyword lifelong learning – is now recognized more strongly than before the crisis. The current situation is also an opportunity to democratize our training system through the possibilities of digitization – because content and knowledge are available everywhere and always.

com! professional: We overtake the market competitor SAP …

Schreiner: … soon as the largest provider of business software. It’s not about if, just when.

com! professional: You start the day˘ …

Schreiner: … often with exercise, checking the news and having breakfast with my family.

com! professional: Is that the first thing you do in the office?

Schreiner: … talk to colleagues. For us at Salesforce, the focus is on the customer. For me that means: there are customers who pay me and customers who I pay, namely our employees. It is important that all customers are not only satisfied, but really enthusiastic. Personal feedback is extremely important to ensure that everyone is happy, both internally and externally, and also to see where I can still help.

com! professional: Is your work motto?

Schreiner: I really enjoy working, but I have to have fun doing it and I have to be able to develop myself personally – if not, I’ll go. I will quit the day I haven’t laughed or learned nothing.

com! professional: Which social networks are you on?

Schreiner: Which not? 🙂

com! professional: You would like to have a chat with this famous person …

Schreiner: … with Anne Frank.

com! professional: If you are not working, then …

Schreiner: … I love to spend most of my time with my family.

com! professional: You last read this book …

Schreiner: … Trailblazer from Marc Benioff.

com! professional: You last saw this film …

Schreiner: … Bohemian Rhapsody.

com! professional: If you weren’t working in your current industry, then the following job would most likely be an option …

Schreiner: … I feel very at home in the technology industry. Because I am convinced that we can achieve more with technology than ever before. With our technologies, for example, we can do something very actively to slow down climate change, to make vaccines available more quickly in every part of the world and to give people opportunities through good technological training, regardless of what conditions they start with.

I can’t think of any industry in which I could achieve more and would therefore prefer to be. At the same time, I find it very attractive to use my knowledge and experience and to pass it on to others, especially to people who may have had fewer opportunities to get a good education by their very nature.

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