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“I’ll do everything to amaze again”

The extra gear was given to him unconsciously by the “judge” Mika. When Mario Cirincione, 20, from Catania, announced that he had brought for the “auditions” of «X Factor» a piece of Conchita Wurst, «Rise like a phoenix», the Lebanese artist showed all his disappointment: «Oh no, that song is terrible». And again: “It was better if I had proposed a song by Emma,” he added seeing that the aspiring competitor of the “live” had said shortly before being a fan of the other “judge” of this season of the talent of Sky. Absolutely against, Mika, so much so as to move the solidarity of his colleagues at the table towards the Sicilian boy. However, he did not disassemble, on the contrary he accepted the challenge: “I’ll make you think again, Mika”. And so it was. Wide eyes, wide open mouths, amazement, wonder in front of that ups and downs of tones (from tenor to soprano) and finally a standing ovation. Final judgment of Mika: «You have tastes of m… in the choices, but you have a very impressive voice». Four “yes”.

There was something to dampen the enthusiasm of a seasoned artist, let alone that of a novice.

«And instead Mika’s reaction stimulated me, it brought out an unprecedented self-confidence even for me. It’s not easy, that audition. In a few minutes, in front of four “lions” of music, you have to make it clear not only who you are, what are your means, your qualities but also what you are looking for, what you want, what you are worth and could still be worth, what your ambitions are . All in less than five minutes ».

Why Conchita Wurst and that song?

«Because I am certainly fascinated by the character but above all by the song,“ I will be reborn like a phoenix ”, a hymn of freedom, freedom also to put on that shirt I was wearing, to get that pigtail…».

Here: that jungle-animalier shirt and that bun of hair your idol didn’t like at all, Emma.

«I know, I promised her to change her look and cut the pigtail, but who knows if I will. Let’s say that I will do everything to amaze again. I love Emma, ​​ever since she started “Amici” where I also auditioned last year but was rejected. The first “live” I saw in my life was a concert by Emma, ​​the “Ora Tour”, at the Palasport in Acireale, I was 15 years old ».

To amaze with that voice it takes study, study and study.

«In Sicily I study singing with the soprano Mariella Arghiracopulos and I attend the school of the dancer Raimondo Todaro. I know I am chasing a dream that requires sacrifices to become reality but I am used to it, I have been working since I was 12, first a bartender, then a cook, after graduating from the Hospitality School I joined the chefs in the kitchen of various holiday villages, I always asked to the head animators “will you make me sing?”, but it was not possible, for reasons of contract ».


“Normal. In Catania, my father Nino works as a house painter, my mother Carmen cleans in a private clinic, I have a 9-year-old brother, Simone. Mom is a fan of mine, dad looks at my ambition with distrust. Sooner or later I will convince him too ».

You see the future …

«On a stage, singing. Give emotions. The best thing they wrote on social media after the performance last night was “you made me excited”. Even if “X Factor” ends next Thursday for me, this would already be a victory ».

Last update: Saturday 3 October 2020, 15:39


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