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Iliad is that surprising second place that is worth a lot

An extraordinary one second place for Iliad in the ranking that Ookla periodically publishes on quality of networks in Italy. Iliad according to the authoritative Ookla observatory would surpass Tim and Vodafone. At the top of the ranking of the best performances, WindTre. Are you already subscribed to our Telegram Channel?

The Iliad network in second place in Italy

An important result achieved in just two years. This is thanks to the current mix of performances obtained with WindTre ran sharing (today the first national network in terms of performance) and with an increasingly massive dose of autonomous network. Iliad in fact also emits its signal from the WindTre antennas, through a special agreement that will bind the two companies for the next few years. In addition to the WindTre sites, Iliad currently has about 7000 owners active in the Bel Paese. A little less than a third of the country is therefore served by a brand new antenna owned by the operator.

Yet another confirmation of the goodness of the mega upgrades also for WindTre. Since the birth of the single brand, the manager has insistently promoted its “top quality network” and these reports give strength to the new image of the company.

Banner Iliad Offerta 50 Giga
Banner Iliad Giga 70 Online activation

Iliad and WindTre logos

Other than MVNO. Iliad has a fast and modern network

A result that should certainly be underlined given that in fact the main competitors of Iliad in these first months of its life were in fact MVNOs. Or virtual operators, not equipped with their own network. On so many occasions we have said that – net of the interesting convenience – it is always improper to compare managers such as In Mobile with Iliad. Precisely because Iliad owns its mobile network entirely and in independent reports like that of Ookla, its technological solidity is fully understood.

The Ookla ranking

The ranking of the best mobile networks is made using the internal index called “Ookla Speed ​​Score” which is determined by incorporating a measure of the download and upload speed of each provider. For the purposes of network speed rankings, 90% of the final speed score is attributed to download speed and the remaining 10% to upload speed, thus creating an accurate picture of the real end user experience.

Take your test and share it with us!

And how is your connection with Iliad going? Share your speed test on Iliad network with us. You can also do it using our dedicated page ILIAD SPEED TEST at this link.

If you like, share the result and let’s continue talking about it on the 4Fan.it Telegram Channel …

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