Also this edition of the Island of the famous comes to an end and Ilary Blasi make an initial assessment. As he tells in an interview with Tv Smiles and Songs“compared to the first year there is a difference: when you present a program like this you are so full of things to remember that you can’t quite understand the dynamics of the game. It’s not like sitting on the couch watching TV. Now I remember who voted who, even if sometimes I get lost and make my blunders, eh, but it’s part of life! I participate in the show almost as if I were a spectator. It means that I feel at home”.

And again: “With Alvin litigation, ma total respect“, continues Blasi speaking of her correspondent:” We have known each other for many years. We have always been friends and we have such confidence that we send each other to hell without problems. In fact, at the beginning we thought we really fought (sometimes we do), but there is esteem and respect, we love each other. I can afford to tell him everything, even heavy things”.
Come on enrico daddy: “I enjoy the unexpected. I enjoy that everyone has their own character. I have no difficulty socializing with people, I adapt to situations and try to form a group. I like coming to work, even on Mondays”, jokes Ilary : “Enrico comes from the world of gossip and if something unexpected happens he struggles to hold back, but in a funny way. Even if those were the unexpected! Enrico is a loose cannon, you never know what to expect, Vladi is ‘on track’ in an incredible way, he has the wit. He pulls the strings on everything, he knows the dynamics of the story.”

Finally, the presenter responds to some rumors that Mediaset could cut the program due to insignificant numbers (18% share) and high production costs. When asked about a possible fourth season, Blasi does not say too much: “I don’t think about it, for two months I don’t think about anything. Have you seen how quickly things change in life? It’s better not to make plans”.
2023-06-13 12:59:00
#Mediaset #earthquake #words #Ilary #Blasi #life..