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Ilary Blasi desperate: now everyone has seen it | Caught right with him

Ilary Blasi and the new background that nails: “She went to Milan to attend her manager’s birthday”. It’s all summer that the Roman presenter is in the crosshairs of the wildest gossip due to the end of her marriage with Francesco Totti. You talk about the former king of the paparazzi …

New rumors about the splendid presenter of the Island Of The Famous. Who would she be pinched with? And who would be the source?

She revealed that if on Sunday afternoon she showed herself on the photo social network busy eating her grandmother’s noodles, in the evening she instead headed to Milan to attend the birthday of her well-known manager: “In the evening he was in Milan at the birthday of his famous agent who filmed and posted everything and everyone on the stories… “. But who would be the deep throat who wanted to tell all this? In reality it would be a source who has no intention at all of remaining hidden but who – on the contrary – can’t wait to come out and tell about everything and more. Who are we talking about? Dell ‘ former king of the paparazzias well as former partner of Belen Rodriguezwho wanted to point out that the beautiful Roman presenter seems to have carefully avoided posting photos and videos of the event on her Social.

Fabrizio Corona blew everything

Subsequently, the former VIP photographer, again in his intervention on the photographic social network, also revealed to his numerous followers that on the birthday of the manager of Ilary Blasi A well-known rapper was also invited, who apparently would have greeted her with a not very nice gesture, but – on the contrary – decidedly strong and unflattering. But what would the woman’s reaction have been? And – especially who is the man in question? “There was also Jack The Fury who greeted her with a couple of co ** a“, Said Fabrizio who then immediately added:“ Then someone who is known just now in the news arrived. We were there!”. But about who he is all is silent. At least for now!

He promised other sensational revelations

L’Belen’s former partner in fact, he then reassured all his numerous followers on Instagram that he will soon make other sensational revelations on Ilary Blasi and on her ex-husband, who has found a smile at the side of the beautiful and sensual Noemi Bocchi. “This is my game! I will let you know… ”, these are her words. The former photographer also revealed that he believes this whole thing has gone beyond mere mere gossipsince now even newspapers of a certain caliber have been embroidering on them for quite some time …

The fact is that for a few hours now Corona’s Instagram account is gone. Shortly before, he had also shown through the publication of a screen that Francesco Totti had searched for him via messaging. What did the two have said to each other? What will he have in mind Blacksmiths Now? Maybe it will intervene from Barbara D’Urso to give exclusive revelations?

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