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Ilaria Capua: «The fear of the virus? In the North it is different. Here’s how to avoid another health collapse »

Cross the eyes beyond the masks and often be the object of a return look, one of those who stuck the questions, the essential ones. Those that can change your life. Behind those looks that have recovered a wonderful centrality in our imagination I always read the same question: and now what do we do? Let’s start from the present.

CWhat is happening now in Italy and in many other hard hit countries in the spring? The virus circulates and like any self-respecting virus, it manifests itself differently depending on the host it encounters. In many cases he turns disguised as nothing, exactly as he did throughout the month of December, January and most of February. There is not seen, and the coronavirus passes between us without being recognized or noticed. For turns that turn you around, occasionally meet a few small groups of people who are potential victims of his sometimes sharp nails. Lack of people here and at risk. I crossed many masks for a few days in Italy and saw different perceptions and scenarios. The fear of a palpable tail blow in the North is ridiculed elsewhere. A very risky game if we talk about the future.

And so we come to the future. The shadow of a second wave worries many and for this reason it is well understood. When we talk about the second wave we refer to a rapid, exponential and continuous increase in the number of patients who would resort to intensive care, so as to determine their overload and therefore their collapse. can this happen? S.

can you avoid it? S. And this must be our cornerstone. We now know that there are three easy, easy things to do: keep as far away from others as possible, keep your hands clean and use barriers to separate your face from the outside as much as possible. Why? Because our muzzle is a central component of the infection, because it can emit or receive saliva droplets laden with viruses. Our muzzle, a true natural nebulizer. for this reason that in any environment at risk, having a physical barrier on the muzzle is always better than having nothing. Common sense masks are also accepted.

In short, the purpose of all these nuisances as logical as necessary to make contagion more and more difficult, because the greater the contagion, the greater the risk that a large number of people will end up in hospital. And if the number of people were very high, the receptivity threshold of intensive care could be exceeded, and this would be the dramatic second wave.

But let’s look further, let’s move the curtain aside. Checch say the denialists Covid-19 took away thousands of Italians and much more. In this bunch of much that has flown away, there are the costs that Italian health care has had to bear to face the epidemic. Each new hospitalization in intensive care avoidable and a saving that would allow us to accelerate on other fronts. Public health needs oxygen.

Allowing the coronavirus to expand uncontrollably would be a new triple waste. Patients ‘and operators’ lives would be lost while burning years of health. I am referring to the so-called aftermath or complications from Covid-19 that we will discover over time. But we must act intelligently to avoid hospitalizations also because they have a cost. Each less hospitalized person spares the system and contributes to the resumption of public health activities such as vaccinations or cancer screening. We cannot allow ourselves to be beaten on these achievements. survival issue.

August 2, 2020 (change August 2, 2020 | 22:36)


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