I’m missing the basics
Nowadays, in this batrachomiomachia that parodies the tragedies of the 70s, not a day goes by without someone on the right wanting to shut the mouth of someone on the left, and vice versa. Tizio must not speak, Caio must be punished for saying such and such a thing, the Sempronio club or site must be closed, the X or Y parade […]
“Masks, the fake sale of watches to share the money”
Investigation into the former Agcom Innocenzi and the lawyer. Germans. The former undersecretary had come under accusation in relation to a supply of devices. The Carabinieri: “For interventions on public officials there was a quota of 80 thousand for him”
by Marco Lillo and Valeria Pacelli
I change my shirt
Librandi finishes the tour: after Pd, IV and +EU he returns to FI and makes the party’s coffers happy
The evolutions of Gianfranco Librandi, an entrepreneur with two mandates in Parliament behind him, perhaps say something about him but they certainly say a lot about Italian politics. Formerly Forza Italia and PDL, then Montiano in Scelta Civica, then Democrat in the Democratic Party, Renzian in Italia Viva and lastly candidate for the European elections with +Europa, since yesterday the […]
by Lorenzo Giarelli
He killed Giulia Tramontano
Life sentence requested for Impagnatiello
No fit but a “deadly narcissism” led Alessandro Impagnatiello – defined as a “chess player” and the “banality of evil” – to kill with “unheard of violence” his girlfriend Giulia Tramontano and the child she was carrying. Thus the deputy prosecutor Letizia Mannella and the public prosecutor Alessia Menegazzo began the indictment against the ex […]
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No to culling
Council of State saves the 469 deer in Abruzzo
The 469 deer covered by the resolution of the Abruzzo Regional Council will not be killed. This was decided by the Council of State which suspended the provision by accepting the appeal of various animal rights and environmental associations. The judges of second instance overturned the order of the Abruzzo Regional Administrative Court which had rejected the appeal of the associations opposed to the slaughter of animals. […]
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Guerra is
The USA: no more “pocket money” in Kiev. Europe will take care of buying weapons for Zelensky
In the same style as his father, Donald Trump Jr. posted a story on Instagram with a video of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and the writing “In 38 days you will lose your allowance.” After a few seconds, the image turns to black and white, Zelensky appears serious as a shower of banknotes flows across the screen. The 47th president […]
by Cosimo Caridi